Annie Fossum, Psych Care Manager

Julie Neiworth (with assistant Isabel), Faculty supervisor


A compilation of photographs of student collaborators and caregivers from Dec, 1998 until now, organized by year.

Studies of Gaze Direction, Space, Object Permanence, Categorization.

We continued to look at basic questions, but started to have the monkeys emit responses (tipping over cups) rather than measuring their natural behaviors and look rates (prior to 2000-2001).

Eric Steinmark conducted some work on object permenance for his comps project, and we added more phases and subjects and published this work in 2003. Mike Burman conducted a study of spatial memory and win-stay/win-shift strategies for his comps.

Ben Basile ('02) and Ryann Wonders ('02) stayed over the summer of 2001 to complete the project on object permanence and set up an operant device for monkeys to make overt responses.

Janice Hassett, '03, returned in August to complete a categorization study. Funded by the Dean's Discretionary Fund, Targeted Opportunities.

Student Care/Research:

Brandon Peterson, biology major, '02

Carrie DeHart, in psychology, '02

Denny Rentsch, in psychology, '02

Frances (Dusty) Steely, in psychology, '01

Mike Burman, in psychology, '01

Eric Steinmark, in psychology, '01

Ben Basile, in psychology, '02

Ryann Wonders, in psychology, '02

Mari Kita, in psychology, '02

Mike Goodman, in psychology, '03

Janice Hassett, in psychology, '03

Michael Harris, in psychology, '02


Top (from left to right):Carrie DeHart, Janice Hassett, Mike Goodman.

Bottom: Dusty Steely.