Annie Fossum, Psych Care Manager

Julie Neiworth (with assistant Isabel), Faculty supervisor


A compilation of photographs of student collaborators and caregivers from Dec, 1998 until now, organized by year.

Global and local processing and the beginnings of counting studies

We completed the object discrimination work needed for the NIH training grant, and embarked on a thorough study of global/local processing of features of objects in 5-year old children, adult college students, and tamarin monkeys. This research was presented in November 2004 at a national conference by all students involved (Anne Olinick, Amy Gleichman, and Kristen Lamp).

Anne Olinick's senior thesis project was the global/local test in 5-year old children, which brought interesting and complex primates to our lab!

Amy Gleichman single-handedly conducted the global/local study with 39 college students. She also began training the tamarins on the discrimination task.

Both Alison Lewis and Maren Sonstegard started their senior projects early their junior year, with each focussing on a different aspect of number assessment in tamarins.

The prior summer of 2003 had brought with it new tamarins: Encore, a younger mate for Mac, and a new pair, Quince and Willow.

Kristen Lamp ('05) stayed the summer of 2004 to continue the global/local processing study in tamarins, along with Maren Sonstegard and Alison Lewis who both started their theses.

Student Care/Research:

Mel Branco, in psychology, '05

Elizabeth Johnson, in psychology, '07

Maren Sonstegard, in psychology, '05

Alison Lewis, in psychology, '05

Anne Olinick, in psychology, '04

April Anderson, in psychology, '04

Rachael Klein, in psychology, '05

Randi Martinez, in psychology, '04

Karen Yee, in studio art, '04

Amy Gleichman, in neuroscience, '05


Top (from left to right):Mel Branco, Alison Lewis, April Anderson.

Bottom: Maren Sonstegard, someone ape-ing an ape.