IDSC 100-01, Fall 2005

Readings & Assignments



Date assigned

Readings before

next class period

Homework, Writing or other Assignments, & Class handouts

Homework/Writing Assignment

Due Dates


Nov. 10

For Tuesday, 11/15, LAST DAY OF CLASS:

  • No reading. See short writing assignment at right.

Class Stuff:

Last Little Assignment:

  • Write 2-3 pages (informal writing) on your own "mind change" events in this course. Try to point to exactly what helped your minds changes happen. We will talk about this on Nov. 15 in class as a way to end the course. Turn this into your HAND-IN folder and bring a hard copy to class with you (to use in class).

Poster Stuff:

  • Due Tuesday Nov. 15: Mind Change in Course short writing assignment (at left). Due in class and to HAND-IN folder (filename = "lastname-finalmindchange.doc")


  • Put a final copy of your project poster in a HAND-IN folder in our course folder by Sat. Nov. 19 at 6pm.


Nov. 8

For Thursday, 11/10:

  • Read Gardner's book Changing Minds Chpt. 7, 9, and 10 (pp. 208-212 is a nice summary).
  • On Thursday Nov. 10, go to CMC 110 at 1 pm (NOTE EARLY START). Doug Foxgrover will teach you how to use Adobe Illustrator to make your poster.
  • We'll do 2 Bring Backs Nov. 10.
  • We'll have a joint discussion with the Mind-Brain Seminar on Gardner's reading above.

Class Stuff:

Final Project Assignment:

Illustrator Poster Prep: Place draft items to be used in your poster in the Course folder by noon, Thursday Nov. 10 so you can access these items at the Nov. 10 tutorial on Adobe Acrobat Ilustrator. You will start your poster at this session. Find instructions here for required group project work prior to this session.


Nov. 3

For Tuesday, 11/8:

  • Come to class at 1:15, we'll do 4 Bring Backs and then depart! Use cancelled class time to work on project with your partner(s) or consult with Trish.
  • No new reading! See assignments related to your Final Project at right.

Final Project Assignments:

Class Stuff:




Trish Consult Prep: You will sign up for project team appointments. Appointments are on Tues. Nov. 8 and Wed Nov. 9. Find here the required group prep work for this consultation and what to bring to your appointment.




Illustrator Poster Prep: Place draft items to be used in your poster in the Course folder by noon, Thursday Nov. 10 so you can access these items at the Nov. 10 tutorial on Adobe Acrobat Ilustrator. You will start your poster at this session.


Nov. 1

For Thursday, 11/3:

  • Howard Gardner's book Changing Minds...pp. 1-22, 49-67, 113-132 (Chpts. 1, 3, and 6). Easy read, Chpt. 6 is "Kuhn lite". We'll discuss this in class (45 min)
  • Bring all your project resources to class. I will give you time in class to work with your partner(s), with Trish and Dana available as resources.


  • Arrange to work with your partner(s)on your project. Gather resources, talk about a project focus. Make an appointment with Charlie Priore this week for the customized library activity.

Class Stuff:

Library Activity with Charlie Priore must be done THIS week.


Oct. 27

For Tuesday 11/1:

  • Reread Alley's Abrupt Climate Change article in Science, and attempt to answer these questions. We'll discuss this in detail in class. Bring a copy of the article and your notes to class too. This important article will help us summarize our learning of abrupt climate change, move us into new territory on this topic, and help prepare you to read and digest the original scientific literature on your final project.


  • Belief & Knowledge paper. The doc below (ideas, not to be taken as "truth") might be of some use in starting your thinking.
    • Logic Faith Belief Triangle (offered by Catilin)
    • NOTE: If you wrote on logic, belief, and faith in your Kuhn paper, pick a question(s) to address in this assignment that does NOT overlap with issues in your Kuhn paper. In other words, move into new territory in this paper, there is plenty to address.

Class Stuff:

Belief-Knowledge paper due Monday Oct. 31 at 5pm in HAND-IN folder


Oct. 25

For Thursday 10/27:

Class Stuff:


  • Belief & Knowledge paper. The doc below (ideas, not to be taken as "truth") might be of some use in starting your thinking.
    • Logic Faith Belief Triangle (offered by Catilin)
    • NOTE: If you wrote on logic, belief, and faith in your Kuhn paper, pick a question(s) to address in this assignment that does NOT overlap with issues in your Kuhn paper. In other words, move into new territory in this paper, there is plenty to address!

Belief-Knowledge paper due Monday Oct. 31 at 5pm in HAND-IN folder


Oct. 20

For Tuesday 10/25:

Class stuff:


Kuhn-climate writing assigment due Friday Oct. 21 at 5 pm to HAND-IN folder.


Oct. 18

For Thursday 10/20:

Class Stuff:



Kuhn-climate writing assigment due Friday Oct. 21 at 5 pm to HAND-IN folder.


Oct. 13

For Tuesday, 10/18:

Class Stuff:


Final project choice due Friday Oct. 14, email Trish

Informal assignment due Friday Oct. 14 at 5pm

Kuhn-climate writing assigment due Friday Oct. 21 at 5 pm to HAND-IN folder.


Oct. 11

For Thursday, 10/13:


  • Pick a final project by Friday Oct. 14. See choices here.Consult with Trish if you want more info. Final project groups were passed out in class today.
  • Informal assignment due Friday at 5pm in your HAND-IN folder.

Class Stuff:


Final project choice due Friday Oct. 14, email Trish.


Informal assignment due Friday oct. 14 at 5pm


Oct. 6

For Tuesday, 10/11:

No homework, enjoy the weekend!

Class stuff:



Oct. 4

For Thurs, 10/6:

  • Kuhn pp. 92-135.

Writing Assignment #2 due Friday this week.

Class stuff:

Writing assignment due Friday, Oct. 7, at 5pm. Submit to your HAND-IN folder on the network.


Sept. 29

For Tues, 10/4:

  • Kuhn pp. 52-91 (anomaly, discovery, crisis, and response).
  • No new climate reading. Review Alley Two-Mile Time Machine pp. 91-98, 109-128, 131-165 for ideas related to our discussion questions #2c, 3, 4 & 5.



Class stuff:

Informal assignment due Monday Oct. 3, 5pm.


Writing assignment due Friday, Oct. 7, at 5pm. Submit to your HAND-IN folder on the network.


Sept. 27

For Thurs, 9/29:

  • Kuhn text, pp. 1-42 (role for history, normal science).
  • Skim Alley Two-Mile Time Machine pp. 83-165, fish for ideas directly relevant to our discussion questions.
  • Abrupt Climate Change: Inevitable Surprises, read pp. 73-78 (online).



  • Informal assignment due Monday, Oct. 3 at 5pm .
  • Submit 1 question related to the Kuhn reading at left to Trish over email ( Feel free to pose a question that asks: for clarification of the author's ideas, how ideas are applied or what they mean, about anything you wonder about, or a meaty discussion question for our class to tackle together.

Class Handouts, Figures, and Data links:

  • Kuhn question due to Trish over email by Thursday Sept. 29 at 11 am.


  • Informal assignment due Monday Oct. 3 at 5pm, electronic submission in your HAND-IN folder.


Sept. 22

For Tues., 9/27:

No homework. Focus carefully on Alley reading.


Class Handouts & Data links:



Sept. 20

For Thurs. 9/22:

  • Tipping Point pp. 169-192 (Chpt. 5), and 216-252 (Chpt. 7). Focus on teenage smoking case in Chpt. 7.
  • Alley's Two-Mile Time Machine. Read pp. 11-13, skim 17-58, read 59-70.
  • Read pp. 19-24 online (and table), short section on paleoproxy data in Alley's book Abrupt Climate Change: Inevitable Surprises.


  • Data assignment. Thoughtful but brief answer to these questions which are mostly found in the data handouts from classes on Sept. 15 and 20.

 Class Handouts:

Data assignment at left due Friday at 5pm . If you hit an electronic glitch, put paper copy under Trish's office door as backup plan.

Dana will have an optional help session on Thursday night, Sept. 22, 8:45-10:30pm, Olin 02. You can come and talk with her and your classmates about questions on this assignment. Collaboration is encouraged, but you must write your own answers up, in your own words. Acknowledge significant ideas borrowed from others.


Sept. 15

For Tues. 9/20:

No Homework


Discussion agenda for Tipping Point Chpt. 1 (pdf)

Tippy balance and data class handout (pdf)



Sept. 13

For Thurs 9/15:

  • Gladwell's Tipping Point, pp. 3-29 (Chpt. 1) and 30-88 (Chpt. 2). We'll discuss Chpt. 1 in class Thursday.

Short informal writing assignment #1

Friday Sept. 16 at 5pm.

Hard copy to Trish (Mudd 189) and post in your Hand-In folder on COURSES network drive. "Network How To Instructions" here.


This page is created and maintained by Trish Ferrett.
If you have questions or comments, please send E-mail.