Sarah J. Titus
- Department of Geology
- Carleton College
- One North College St.
- Northfield, MN 55057
- phone: (507) 222-4419
- Ph.D., University of Wisconsin - Madison; 2006
- M.S., University of Wisconsin - Madison; 2002
- B.A. in Geology and Environmental Studies, Oberlin College; Oberlin, OH, 1999
- Studied environmental science at Jaeren Folkehogskule, Kleppe, Norway (1994-1995)
Teaching Experience
- 2018-present - Full Professor, Department of Geology, Carleton College
Courses taught: Structural Geology, Tectonics, Introduction to Geology, Geophysics, Geology in the Field, Geology of National Parks, and two off-campus courses: Geology of the North Island and Geology of the South Island (New Zealand)
- 2012-2018 - Associate Professor, Department of Geology, Carleton College
- 2006-2012 - Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, Carleton College
- 2003-2005 - Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Wisconsin - Madison
- 1997-1999 - Instructor, Norwegian Language, Experimental College at Oberlin College
- 1995-2000 - Instructor, Norwegian Language, Concordia Language Villages (summers 1995-2000)
Awards and grants
- 2024-2026 NSF grant: "Characterizing borehole breakouts in anisotropic rocks in the laboratory and in nature" (Collaborative proposal with Jacqueline Reber and Joshua R. Davis)
- 2019-2023 NSF grant: "Linking slip dynamics to off-fault deformation in strike-slip fault systems" (Collaborative proposal with Jacqueline Reber and Joshua R. Davis)
- 2018-2023 PRF New Directions grant: "Making laboratory deformation bands in sandstones for comparison with natural field data from the San Andreas fault system"
- 2012-2019 NSF grant: "CAREER: Combining field data and computational models to characterize the distribution of oceanic transform fault deformation throughout the lithosphere"
- 2011-2014 NSF grant: "Differential geometry and statistics of deformation tensors" (Collaborative proposal with Basil Tikoff and Joshua Davis)
- 2007-2011 PRF Undergraduate New Investigator grant: "Using paleomagnetism to investigate distributed deformation adjacent to the San Andreas fault"
- 2006 - Exceptional Service Teaching Assistant Award, College of Letters and Science, UW - Madison
- 2006 - Outstanding Paper Award, Geology & Geophysics Department, UW - Madison
- 2005 - Geology & Geophysics Teaching Enhancement Award, UW - Madison
- Secretary/Treasurer of the Structural Geology and Tectonics Division of GSA (2023-2025)
- Leader of GALS - a summer program for local middle school girls (summer 2014 - 2017).
- Co-leader of short course Statistical treatment of structural geology data (GSA, 2105 and SGT Forum, 2018).
- Editorial board member Lithosphere (2013-2016) and Journal of Structural Geology (2014-2017).
- Member-at-large: Committee on Research Grants for the Geological Society of America (2011-2014).
Recent publications
See a complete list excluding abstracts; undergraduate students denoted with an asterisk.
- *Ross, E.O., Reber, J.E., Titus, S.J., and Garcia, A.F., 2024, Using a landscape fingerprint to identify changes in fault-slip behavior: Geology, v. 52, p. 841-845,
- *Ross, E.O., Reber, J., and Titus, S.J.,, 2022, Relating slip behavior to off-fault deformation using physical models, Geophysical Research Letters, v. 49,
- *Hummel, N.V., *Waag-Swift, S., and Titus, S.J., 2022, Statistical analysis of small faults in rotated blocks of crust near the Húsavík-Flatey transform fault, northern Iceland: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 127, e2021JB022956, doi: 10.1029/2021JB022956.
- Titus, S.J., and Davis, J.R., 2020, Problems with net tectonic rotation for dikes and suggestions for alternative approaches: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 122, 10.1029/2020GC009395.
- Chatzaras, V., Tikoff, B., Kruckenberg, S., Titus, S.J., Teyssier, C., and Drury, M.R., 2020, Stress variations in space and time within the mantle section of an oceanic transform zone: Evidence for the seismic cycle: Geology, v. 49, doi: 10.1130/G47137.1
- Titus, S.J., *Chapman, W., Horst, A.J., Brown, M., and Davis, J.R., 2018, Distributed deformation in an oceanic transform system: Applying statistical tools to structural and paleomagnetic data near the Husavik-Flatey fault, northern Iceland: Tectonics, doi: 10.1029/2018TC005096.
- Davis, J.R., and Titus, S.J., 2017, Review article: Modern methods of analysis for three-dimensional orientational data: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 96, p. 65-89, doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2017.01.002.
- Titus, W.J., Titus, S.J., and Davis, J.R., 2017, A Bayesian approach to modeling 2D gravity data using polygons: Geophysics, v. 82, p. 1-21, doi: 10.1190/geo2016-0153.1.