Geology 365: Structural Geology
Winter 2024
Basic Information
- Lectures: 23C
- Lab: Th 1:00-5:00
- Office hours for Sarah: office hours posted here; others as needed
- Syllabus
- Tentative schedule
- TA: dream on

Course Updates
Week 10
- Image: your eighth, and final, image assignment is due on Tuesday. Here is the image and the blank form to sketch on. The image is taken looking down at a horizontal outcrop. There is moss and gravel on the top of the image - ignore this. For your interpretations, remember to think about strain.
- If you want to talk about your 2nd talk, plan to chat with me M, T, or W next week. After that, I will have no office hours and limited email contact during reading days and the exam periods.
- Thursday talk slots (feel free to trade hours if you like)
- 8:00-9:00: Claire and Adele
- 9:00-10:00: Amberly and Brett
- 10:00-11:00: Jeremiah and Sebastian
- 11:00-12:00: Hannah and Maya
- 12:00-1:00: Alex and Karl
- 1:00-2:00: no one - go eat popcorn and watch stop motion movies
- 2:00-3:00: Sadie and Clara
- 3:00-4:00: Saheli and Sarah
- 4:00-5:00: Jackie and Evan
- 5:00-6:00: Ezra and Gerrit
- Older students should determine their own time to practice with their partner. The groups are: Annika and Amelia; Crystal and Kyra; Beck, Siraj, and Emma
Week 9
- Textbook: Chapters 6.
- Image: your seventh image assignment is due on Thursday. See links from last week.
- Your super learning experience is due at the start of class on Tuesday. You can slip it under my door sooner if you would like.
- Here is an updated version of your final assignment, reflecting the new requirement of a draft talk with a partner.
Week 8
- Textbook: For this material we'll talk about this week, relevant sections include Chapter 2 (2.1-2.16, and 2.30) and Chapter 3.
- For Thursday class: we'll need to be able to run some programs in Java. Please install Java on your laptop. You can find the appropriate version for your computer at the java website.
- Lab: your posters about Mecca Hills are due on Thursday. (Don't forget to finish the group map.) Please be prepared to do a short (for real) presentation about your poster. No more than 5 minutes. Make sure everyone in your group has time to speak.
- Image: your seventh image assignment will be due next Thursday. Here is the image and the blank form to sketch on. Note: the dark (black) stuff is organic material growing on top of a horizontal, polished surface.
- The super learning opportunity (in take-home form): Your exam will occur over this coming weekend. We can talk about possible topics in class. I'll give you the exam on Thursday at the end of lab; it will be due Tuesday morning but if you're finished before then, you can slide it under my door. The take-home is closed-book and closed-notes; you can work on it in multiple sittings.
Week 7
- Textbook: At some point in the near future, read Chapter 11 (folds), Chapter 12 (foliation), Chapter 13 (lineation), Chapter 14 (boudins) and Chapter 15 (focus on 15.1 and 15.5). If you are lacking time to read, at least look and think about the figures.
- Also - in case you haven't already read this section - check out the chapter on Kinematics and Paleostress (Chapter 10).
- Your sixth image assignment is due next week. You've got a choice this week: either this image 1 or image 2. As usual, here is the blank form to sketch on. HINT 1: The orangish coloring is on image 1 is just a surficial stain. Ignore. HINT 2: Here is a zoomed out image for showing a bigger view of the outcrop for image 2.
- Lab this week: Put your slides in the appropriate folder in Google Drive. Name your slide show as follows: "yourName_paperAuthorsYEAR." By the start of lab, download the slides onto the lab computer. Based on the first round of talks, it would not hurt to make sure your slides run on the lab machine, especially if you have any videos or animations.
- Lab next week: your posters about Mecca Hills are next week on Thursday. Remember these are supposed to be low-tech but informative. Also, please work on the class map that is taped down in the museum. (If groups disagree about how to interpret an area, you can create a mylar flap to show an alternative interpretation.)
- Final talk proposal due next Tuesday: bring a short proposal of the idea you plan to explore in your final talk. Figure out which five papers are appropriate and also which figures will help you illustrate your thesis.
Week 6
- For Thursday class: if you come with questions about the full-page Mohr circle exercise, we can go over it.
- Lab this week: Work on your Mecca Hills mapping project this week. The finished posters will be due during Week 8.
- Lab for next week: the second round of SAF talks. Here's the form you need to complete and bring to lab.
- Image: your fifth image assignment is due next Tuesday. NOTE: The image is taken looking down at a horizontal outcrop. There is some rubble at the top of the photo - don't bother to sketch this; it has nothing to do with the main structure. Here is the image and the blank form to sketch on. Two tips for this week: (1) Remember to describe the thickness of layers in words as part of your observations. (2) Draw a cartoon in the interpretation section to help explain your answer.
Week 5
- For Tuesday: your image is due.
- We went in the field on Wednesday.
- Extra map practice: I put a file called "map_practice.pdf" in the course folder under Course Materials. There are three structure contour maps in the file. It's totally optional; I don't have a key for it but you can come in and ask questions.
Week 4
- Textbook: Read Chapter 4 about stress. Also skim chapter 5.
- Lab: The first batch of San Andreas fault talks are in lab on Thursday. Nuts and bolts:
- Please store your slides in the shared Google Drive Folder.
- And load your slides onto the lab computer (desktop) before the start of lab.
- Name your slide show "Yourlastname_PaperAuthorsYear."
- Bring your completed rubric form for me to grade on.
- FYI: The paper pdfs are located in the shared Google Drive (as well as in Moodle).
- Also, here is a handout that I made about giving talks--we forgot to talk much about the aesthetics of slides, so I recommend you read the suggestions on this form.
- Don't forget to practice your talk with your partner.
- Image: your fourth image assignment is due next Tuesday (i.e. February 3). NOTE: The image is taken looking down at a horizontal outcrop. Here is the image and the blank form to sketch on.
Week 3
- Textbook: Chapter 9. It's the chapter on faults.
- Lab #2 is due at the start of lab on Thursday.
- Image: Your third image assignment is due next Tuesday. Here is the image and the blank form to sketch on.
- Lab #3 will be due on Tuesday during Week 4, at the same time as your image is due.
- Lab #4 (next week) will be the seniors giving talks.
- I've compiled a list of suggestions on how to make good slides and give a good talk here.
Week 2
- Textbook: Read Chapters 7 and 8 (relevant after Th class).
- Image: Your second image assignment is due next Tuesday. Here is the image and the blank form to sketch on.
- Lab: Lab #1 is due at the start of lab on Thursday.
- SAF discussion: We will have our first SAF discussion on Thursday. Bring your typed answers to the questions to class.
- Reminder: send an email to your other professors asking permission to attend the field trip.
- Half sheet: try and think about the answers for the half sheet about stereonets, especially the rotations on the back side. But don't worry if you don't work out all the rotations--that's what we will work on in lab this week.
Week 1
- Textbook: The first reading assignment is Chapter 1 and the appendix reading about stereonets.
- Bring to your geokit and the textbook to class every day.
- The California map assignment is due next Tuesday.
- Image: Your first image assignment is also due next Tuesday at the start of class. Here is the image and the blank form to sketch on. This assignment will be graded on a ten-point scale: 3 for the sketch, 3 for the observations, and 3 for the interpretations. The last point is reserved as a je ne sais quoit point, which is awarded when I am especially impressed with some aspect of your answer.
- Stereonets: Want to review? Here are two potentially useful handouts. One on how to plot things on stereonets. One on lines and planes.
- Discussion: Next week, we have our first SAF discussion on Thursday. Bring your typed answers to the questions to class.
- Lab: Your lab exercises (stereonets & maps) are due on Thursday at the start of lab.