space-space or line-line are odd numbered intervals U-3-5-7-9
line-space or space-line are even numbered intervals 2-4-6-8-10
Identify size before counting half steps
Interval sizes by number of half steps in major scale
WWHWWWH = 0 2 4 5 7 9 11 12
Interval of a second always side by side, low note on left
Inverting an interval
one note stays the same
other note changes octave
note names remain the same but switch places
sizes add up to 9
Growing and shrinking an interval
smaller - lower top note or raise bottom note
larger - raise top note or lower bottom note
Stagger accidentals in interval less than 5th
Work on intervals, size, quality, inversions.
Class Intervals Quiz [Answers]
In class "question and answer" rhythms
Introduction to Sibelius Worksheet 14-3.
Introduction to MUSIC LESSONS II
Worksheet14-3.html (Do the Sibelius computer lab first).
14ComputerLab (in CMC)
Sibelius Lab (in Music Hall MRC, near classroom, across from drinking fountain)
Revised by John Ellinger, Spring 2012.