Undergraduate students denoted with an asterisk (* for Carleton, ** for UW-Madison)
- Titus, S.J., *Crump, S., *McGuire, Z., Horsman, E., and Housen, B., in press, Using vertical axis rotations to characterize off-fault deformation across the San Andreas fault system, central California, Geology.
- Davis, J.R., and Titus, S.J., 2011, Review Article: Homogeneous steady deformation: A review of computational techniques, Journal of Structural Geology, doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2011.03.001.
- Titus, S.J., Maes, S., Benford, B., Ferre, E., and Tikoff, B., 2011, Fabric development in the mantle section of a paleotransform fault and its effect on ophiolite obduction, New Caledonia, Lithosphere, doi:10.1130/L122.1
- Titus, S.J., *Dyson, M., DeMets, C., Tikoff, B., Rolandone, R., and Burgmann, R., 2011, Geologic versus geodetic deformation adjacent to the San Andreas fault, central California: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 123, p. 794-820; doi:10.1130/B30150.1
- Titus, S.J., and Horsman, E., 2009, Characterizing and improving spatial visualization skills: special volume on Research on Thinking and Learning in the Geosciences: Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 57, p. 242-254.
- Kastens, K.A., Manduca, C.A., Cervato, C., Frodeman, R., Goodwin, C., Liben, L.S., Mogk, D.W., Spangler, T.C., Stillings, N.A., Titus, S.J., 2009, How Geoscientists Think and Learn: Eos, v. 90, p. 265-266.
- Rolandone, F., Burgmann, R., Agnew, D.C., Johanson, I.A., Templeton, D.C., d'Alessio, M.A., Titus, S.J., DeMets, C., and Tikoff, B., 2008, Aseismic slip and fault-normal strain along the creeping section of the San Andreas fault: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 35, L14305, doi:10.1029/2008GL034437.
- Titus, S.J., Housen, B., and Tikoff, B., 2007. A kinematic model for the Rinconada fault system in central California based on structural analysis of en echelon folds and paleomagnetism: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 29, p. 961-982.
- Titus, S.J., Medaris, L.G. Jr., Wang, H., and Tikoff, B., 2007. Continuation of the San Andreas fault into the upper mantle: Evidence from spinel peridotite xenoliths in the Coyote Lake Basalt, central California: Tectonophysics, v. 429, p. 1-20.
- Titus, S.J., DeMets, C., and Tikoff, B., 2006. Thirty-five-year creep rates for the creeping segment of the San Andreas fault and the effects of the 2004 M 6.0 Parkfield earthquake: Constraints from alignment arrays, continuous GPS, and creepmeters: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 96, p. 5250-5268.
- Titus, S.J., **Clark, R., and Tikoff, B., 2005. Geologic and geophysical investigation of two fine-grained granites, Sierra Nevada, California: Evidence for structural controls on emplacement and volcanism: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 117, p. 1256-1271.
- Titus, S.J., Tikoff, B., and DeMets, C., 2005. New slip rate estimates for the creeping segment of the San Andreas fault, California: Geology, v. 33, p. 205-208.
- Titus, S.J., Fossen, H., Pedersen, R.B., Vigneresse, J.L., and Tikoff, B., 2002. Pull-apart formation and strike-slip partitioning in an obliquely-divergent setting, Leka Ophiolite, Norway: Tectonophysics, v. 354, p. 101-119.
- *Scott, C., Titus, S.J., and Davis, J.R., 2010, Kinematic modeling of deformation near a ridge-transform intersection in the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus, AGU Fall meeting.
- *Yourd, A.R., *Newman, A., Titus, S.J., and Housen, B., 2010, Characterizing deformation at Kettleman Hills North Dome, central California using paleomagnetism and structural analysis, AGU Fall meeting.
- Titus, S.J. and Davis, J.R., 2010, Modeling the evolution of a transform fault in the mantle section of the New Caledonia ophiolite, AGU Fall meeting.
- Titus, S., and Davis, J., 2009, Steady-state deformation using matrix exponentials: AGU Fall meeting.
- *Crump, S., Titus, S., *McGuire, Z., and Housen, B., Paleomagnetic data from the Rinconada faul in central California: evidence for off-fault deformation: AGU Fall meeting.
- Titus, S.J., and Liben, L., 2009, Synthesis of research on thinking and learning in the geosciences: The importance of spatial thinking for geoscience education: GSA Fall meeting.
Abstracts (continued)
- Titus, S.J., Davis, J., Ferre, E., and Tikoff, B., 2008, Quantifying Strain Across a Paleotransform Fault in the Mantle Section of an Ophiolite, New Caledonia: AGU Fall meeting.
- *Dyson, M., Titus, S.J., DeMets, C., and Tikoff, B., 2008, Comparing geologic and geodetic patterns of deformation across the San Andreas fault system in central California: GSA Fall meeting.
- Kastens, K., Manduca, C., Cervato, C., Frodeman, R., Goodwin, C., Liben, L, Mogk, D.W., Spangler, T., Stillings, N., and Titus, S., 2008, Synthesizing research on thinking and learning in the geosciences: An interdisciplinary collaborative: GSA Fall meeting.
- Titus, S.J., Ferre, E., and Tikoff, B., 2007. Quantifying strain in the mantle across a paleotransform fault, Bogota Peninsula, New Caledonia: AGU Fall meeting.
- *Dyson, M., Titus, S.J., DeMets, C., and Tikoff, B., 2007. Distributed plate boundary deformation across the San Andreas fault system, central California: AGU Fall meeting.
- Titus, S.J., DeMets, C., Housen, B., and Tikoff, B., 2007. Geodetic and geologic deformation rates from the San Andreas fault system, central California. Invited talk at the Pardee symposium, GSA Fall meeting.
- Tikoff, B., Savage, M.K., and Titus, S.J., 2007. Lithospheric mantle deformation in the central San Andreas fault system. Pardee symposium at the GSA Fall meeting.
- Tikoff, B., Morgan, S., Horsman, E., de Saint Blanquat, M, and Titus, S.J., 2007. Magma conduits and chambers in shallow granitic systems: Evidence from the Henry Mountains and Sierra Nevada, USA. Hutton symposium, South Africa.
- Tikoff, B., and Titus, S.J., 2007. Lithospheric coupling in wrench and transpressional systems: Continental Tectonics and Mountain Building - the Peach and Horne meeting, Scotland.
- Titus, S.J., DeMets, C., and Tikoff, B., 2006. Thirty-five-year creep rates for the creeping segment of the San Andreas fault and the effects of the 2004 M 6.0 Parkfield earthquake: AGU Fall meeting.
- Titus, S.J., Tikoff, B., and Housen, B., 2006. A kinematic model for the Rinconada fault system in central California based on structural analysis of en echelon folds: GSA Annual Meeting.
- Titus, S.J., Bedford, B., Maes, S., Ferre, E., and Tikoff, B., 2006. Strain across a mantle shear zone, Bogota Peninsula, New Caledonia. GSA Annual Meeting.
- Titus, S.J., Horsman, E., Goodwin, L., and Tikoff, B., 2005, Improving students' three-dimensional visualization skills in lecture and lab: GSA Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, p. 412. Invited talk.
- Titus, S.J., and Tikoff, B., 2005. Evidence for hinge-parallel extension in the Monterey Formation: Implications for the kinematics of deformation across the San Andreas fault system: GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting, v. 37, p. 73.
- Titus, S.J., Tikoff, B., and DeMets, C., 2004. Comparing geodetic and geologic data from the creeping segment of the San Andreas Fault, California: Eos Trans. AGU, v. 85 (47), Fall Meeting Supplement., Abstract G14A-03.
- Titus, S.J., Medaris, L.G. Jr., and Tikoff, B., 2003. An integrated study of upper mantle xenoliths from the San Andreas Fault, California: GSA Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 35, p. 514.
- Titus, S.J., **Clark, R., and Tikoff, B., 2002. Preservation of a volcanic conduit: Johnson Granite Porphyry, Sierra Nevada, California: GSA Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, p. 374.
- Titus, S.J., Fossen, H., Pedersen, R.B., Vigneresse, J.L., and Tikoff, B, 2001. Preservation of the Leka Ophiolite Complex in a pull-apart setting, Norway: GSA Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 33, p. 25.
- Titus, S.J., Fossen, H., and Tikoff, B., 2000. Pull-apart formation during post-orogenic faulting in the Norwegian Caledonides, Leka Ophiolite Complex, Norway: European Union of Geosciences.