Book Review: A Mathematician Grapples with his Century, by Laurent
Schwartz. Birkhauser (200). Reviewed for MAA Online Read This! (the Mathematical Association of America Online book review column) (2002).
Book Review:
Applied Stochastic Modelling,
Byron J. T. Morgan. Arnold, London. (2000).
Reviewed for Technometrics44(1), 12 (2002).
Book Review: Modeling, Analysis, Design and Control of Stochastic
V.G. Kulkarni. Springer, New York. (1999). Reviewed for
Journal of the American Statistical Association95 1018-1019
Book Review: Probability Models and Applications, 2nd edition,
I. Olkin,
L.J. Gleser, and C. Derman. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. (1994).
Reviewed for Technometrics38 (1996).