Photographs of the Monkeys at Carleton

Some older footage of Caitlin with one of the twins (here the twin is about 3 months old).

Mac, shown left in both pictures, and Oprah, shown right in both pictures, were the oldest couple at Carleton (shown here at 12 years and 14 years of age, respectively). Mac was born 2/16/90, and is currently alive and trying new tasks at 14 years old.

Oprah, born 6/7/88, died in 2002 at the age of 14 of colon cancer and complications. She was a very valued monkey. She was very deliberate in all she did, and once shook her head "no" when we tried to give her medicine! We think it was likely that she mimicked what she saw us do, but very clever nevertheless!

Mac, on his own... but he now has Encore (see another link).