Project Syllabus

Sample Videos

Project Results


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Project Results

At the end of the course, we distributed a survery to the students. The number in parenthesis indicates the number of students who agreed with that response.

1. How helpful was this project in improving your knowledge of Spanish?

1. very helpful (2)
2. helpful (10)
3. somewhat helpful (6)
4. somewhat unhelpful (1)
5. not helpful (2)

What helped you the most?

(3) for the emphasis on pronunciation
(1) for exercise in various grammatical structures in the dialog was helpful.
(3) for writing the dialog
(1) for incorporating info about Hispanic cultures that were at the end of each chapter
(1) for good practice, but nothing new and important was taught
(2) for speaking Spanish
(1) for memorizing lines
(1) for trying to understand what I was saying

2. How helpful was this project in improving the class atmosphere?
1. very helpful (9)
2. helpful (5)
3. somewhat helpful (8)
4. somewhat unhelpful (0)
5. not helpful (0)


I have a cool team”
“It gave us something fun to look forward to”
“It helped to get to know the people in your group better and gave the class a more comfortable atmosphere”
“Provided interaction with classmates”
“Definitely made the other students easier to relate to”
“It brought a shy, nervous group of people together”
“I feel we got to meet new people and become more friendly in class”
“It is very fun, but little Spanish was learned”
“Everyone enjoyed seeing everyone else’s work. Great bonding tool for the class overall”
“I met people I probably wouldn’t have otherwise”
“On the days we watched the videos, people laughed”
“Sense of class unity in toiling on videos”
“Getting to know the other kids in the group helped a lot for class atmosphere”
“They seemed placed randomly into class, but they were a nice, fun surprise”
“They are fun to watch”

3. How sufficient were the editing facilities provided in the Language Center?

1. very sufficient (9)
2. sufficient (8)
3. somewhat sufficient (1)
4. somewhat insufficient (11)
5. insufficient (1)
“They need a camera over here, it was a hassle and frustrating”
“I’d prefer Scoville facilities”
“I didn’t really know how to use them for help”
“Everything was laid out very nicely and easily”
“Sometimes computers did not cooperate”
“The editing of the project was more prepared than the language”
“Availability hours were awkward but no big deal”
4. How convenient was the equipment check-out procedure at Media Services?
1. very convenient (1)
2. convenient (6)
3. somewhat convenient (7)
4. somewhat inconvenient (4)
5. inconvenient (0)

“The whole dinner hour thing is a kind of a pain in the butt”
“Office hours problematic with people’s schedules”
“The hours didn’t work out”
“It wasn’t open round the clock, but otherwise very convenient”
“Never sure of the hours and it was quite a walk for me”
5. How helpful were the video editing workshops and assistance provided by the ITS and Language Center staff?
1. very helpful (2)
2. helpful (10)
3. somewhat helpful (6)
4. somewhat unhelpful (1)
5. not helpful (2)

“I didn’t have to use them much”
“It helped adjust me to I movie”
“We could never get together, so one person did the editing”
“Wonderful, if ever I had a question they always helped me or referred me to a person who could help more”
“Anything I learned was because my group helped me or I figured it out on my own”
“They helped sometimes”
“Learning to edit really shouldn’t part of a Spanish class”
“They were good, but a little rushed. It’s hard to learn everything all at once”
“We were initially comfortable with video editing”
“Not always available”
6. How much did you enjoy the project?
1. I enjoyed it very much (1)
2. I enjoyed it. (13)
3. I somewhat enjoyed it. (5)
4. I somewhat disliked it. (1)
5. I disliked it. (1)

“It was really a lot of extra work that had nothing to do with Spanish”
“I wish we could have switched groups or chosen our own. I was more into it than my fellow group members”
“Fun, but time consuming”
“Our hopelessly incongruent schedules made group work impossible”
“A lot of time, but fun. Maybe we could first do two a term and have more time to prepare”
“Large time commitment”
“Fun, but stressful at times”
“Video taping was time consuming”
7. Are you more comfortable editing video now than when you started?
1. much more comfortable (7)
2. more comfortable (2)
3. somewhat more comfortable (8)
4. somewhat less comfortable (0)
5. much less comfortable (1)

“Didn’t know anything before”
“I didn’t do much of the video work”
“I didn’t get any good experience because it was a group effort, plus we needed it done quickly”
8. Please assign a percentage to each category, to show how much time you spent in each area. The sum should add up to 100%.
Writing Dialogue________ Video Taping _________ Editing _______
9. Did you feel you were able to contribute enough to the project?
12 yes
“Most of the time, yes. Sometimes one person would get stuck with a chunk of work when we couldn’t meet together”
“More or less. We divided up the writing of the dialogues. Maybe there should be more of a group emphasis on that”
“I tried, but it was often impossible to get everyone together at the same time”
“I wish I could have written more”
“No, my group always wanted to rush through things”
“Mmm, one member of our group did all the editing and I wasn’t able to help writing as much as I should have”
10. What do you think the project helped you improve the most?

(2) “Working with classmates”
(4) for “My speaking and writing Spanish”

11. Please use the remaining space to make any other comments you might want to make concerning the project.

(6) for “Pronunciation”
“Video techniques”
“Comfort with class and my Spanish”
(4) for “Video editing”
“It made you think about how Spanish might be used in a ‘real-life’ scenario”
“Increased my ability to speak in front of other people. It made me want to learn more [Spanish]”
“Speaking and Comprehension”
“Tolerance, my group was lazy and annoying”

Muchas gracias,
María Elena Doleman


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