MUSC 108. Introduction to Music Technology - Fall 2013

18Lab2 Track Automation

[Syllabus] [Overview]


Logic distinguishes between two types of automation: Region and Track. Region based automation applies to a single region and was covered in 18Lab1 using Hyper Editor and Hyper Draw. Track based automation applies to all regions in a single track and can be recorded by moving knobs and sliders as you're listening. Logic uses internal "meta messages" to record values in the Mixer, software instruments, and effects plug-ins.

Save As...

Save 18Lab1Automation as 18Lab2Automation.

Keep regions 1-3 and delete the others. Region 2 has the Volume automation and region 3 has the Pan automation.

TrackAutomation 1

Select Region 2

Turn Hyper Draw Off from the View mini menu.

Do the same for region 3. The track should resemble this.

Track Automation 4

Region Automation to Track Automation

Select Region 2

From the Track mini menu choose Track Automation/Move All Region Control Data to Track Automation.

Region to Track automation

Select region 3

From the Track mini menu choose Move All Region Control Data to Track Automation.

Notice that the visual Automation data has disappeared from the track regions.

Click the Show Automation button.

Automation button

Track automation for volume should be displayed.

Click the disclosure triangle at the lower left to display the pan automation.

Open the Mixer

Set Automation to Read

There are three places you can set Automation to Read.

Track Automation 8b

In the Arrange Window.

Read 1

In the Track Inspector Panel.

Read 2

And in the Mixer Channel Strip.

Read 3


Watch the Volume fader and the Pan knob as you play.

Record Automation

Turn off any loop.

Delete all Automation from the Alto Sax track.

Delete all automation

Enable Track Automation

Enable Track Automation by clicking the Automation button in the Toolbar.

Automation button

You can tell Automation has been enabled by the white border around the Automation button and by the gray appearance of the track lane.

Automation ON

Set Automation to Touch.

Touch Automation

Logic will record any Volume fader movements while the song is playing. You do not have to turn on the Record button.

Touch automation

Move the playhead to where you want to start recording. Drag the Volume Fader to the level you want to begin with. Press the space bar, or click the Play button, and as soon as possible click, hold, and drag the Volume fader up and down while the song is playing. You should see the automation appear as you're recording.

Release the mouse button when you're done recording. Press the space bar to stop playing.


Set the Automation type back to Read, either in the Mixer or in the Track area to prevent you from accidentally recording automation as you listen.

Automation to Read

A Do Over

You don't like what you did in Region 2 and you want to try again. Select Region 2 and click Set Locators.

Type 0 on the keypad to go to the beginning of Region 2. (Ask for help if it doesn't work)

This time record automation using the volume fader in the Track Inspector.

Touch Record from Track lane

Record Pan

A third way of recording Automation is to use the small vertical slider in the track header of the Arrange window. Set the Automation menu to display Pan. Enable touch. Move the slider as you record Pan. Region 2 should still be selected.

Record Pan automation             Display Pan Automation

After you're done recording Pan automation, enable Read automation, play and listen.

Copy and Paste Automation

You've just decided you'd rather have the Pan automation in Region 3.

Open the Lists Area

If you could see the automation events in the Lists area it would be simple to cut and paste from Region 2 into Region 3. However, automation does not appear in the Lists area. The solution is to convert the Track automation back into Region automation.

Select Region 2 and use the Track mini menu choose the "Move Visible Track Automation to Region" item because you only want to move the Pan automation without affecting the Volume automation.

Convert Track Automation to Region Information

After choosing this menu item, Pan automation will be removed from the track area and Pan control messages should appear in the Lists area.

Track to Region automation in Lists area

Select all Pan Control data and Cut (Apple-X).

Select Region 3 and Set Locators

Type 0 (zero) on the keypad to set the playhead to the beginning of Region 3 and Paste.

Control Messages pasted into Region 3

Convert Region Information back into Track Information

Choose "Move All Region Data to Track Automation" from the Track mini menu.

The Pan automation that was in Region 2 is now in Region 3. Manually edit the entry and exit points to Pan center.


Turn the Automation button back to Read and play.

HyperDraw Automation (18Lab1) vs. Track Automation (18Lab2)

HyperDraw automation works only on MIDI tracks. It uses the same MIDI controller messages (status Bn) you learned about earlier.

Track Automation works on both audio and MIDI tracks. It uses specific LogicPro defined meta-events to record the fader movements.

HyperDraw is best used for track based expression.

Track Automation is best used in the final mix to balance parts.

Continue with 18Lab3_ValseTristeAutomation.

[Syllabus] [Overview]Revised John Ellinger, January - September 2013