MUSC 108. Introduction to Music Technology - Fall 2013

[Syllabus] [Overview]

15Lab2 - ValseTriste

Valse Triste is a composition by Jean Sibelius and will be used as the example MIDI file in most of the remaining labs.


Download Unzip the files and copy the Lab15Files folder to your Desktop.

Lab 15 files

Open Logic

Open a new Empty project with a single software instrument.

Choose Open from the File menu in Logic and Open the ValseTriste_Starter.mid file.

Delete Instruments 11-16

They're no longer needed. Select in Inspector panel and type delete.

Import Valse Triste midi file

Check Time Signature and Key Signature

Expand the Global Tracks pane and expand the Signature pane.

Global Tracks Show Hide

The Time Signature should be set to 3/4, the Key Signature should be G, and the Tempo to 120.

Minimize Global Tracks.

Save As

Save as 15VTLab1. Save to the Desktop.

This is a precaution so you don't have to start over.

IMPORTANT: Do not work on projects that are stored on your USB drive or in your network home folder. They are not fast enough to process data reliably. ALWAYS work on Logic projects that are copied to the local computer, either on the Desktop or in your home folder.

Repeat After Me

I will save often. I will save often. I will make backups. I will make backups.

Often is once every 1-2 minutes.

Check the Track End Marker

If the track end marker (box) is out of place, move it.

You can drag the box ...

End of track marker

... or double click and reset it here.

Project end

Reassign Instruments

Logic tries to guess what instruments are in the MIDI file by looking for patch changes and instrument names for each track. In this case it did not do a very good job.

EXS track icons

The instruments in the score are:

Score Name English Name Abbreviation
Flauto Flute Fl
Clarinetto in A Clarinet Clar
Corni in F French Horn 1 Hrn1
Corni in F French Horn 2 Hrn2
Timpano in D Timpani Timp

Violino I

Violin 1 Vln1
Violino II Violin 2 Vln2
Viola Viola Vla
Violoncello Cello Vlc
Basso Contrabass Cb

Because this is an orchestral piece we'll use the EXS24 Sampler for all tracks. In your final project, you can assign any software instrument to any track as you did in 14Lab1.

Open the Mixer Panel

Click the Mixer tab near the lower left of the main window.

Then click and hold the PS2 Gerd button at the top of Mixer channel strip 1 and choose the EXS24 Sampler instrument.

Mixer Reassign

Reassign all 10 tracks to the EXS24 instrument.

Mixer reassing all 10

Assign Track 1 to Flute Solo

Double click the I/O button in the Inspector panel.

Assign track 1

When the EXS24 window appears select the 09 Orchestral > 01 Woodwinds > Flute Solo preset.

EXS24 flute

Close the EXS24 window.

Assign Track 2 to Clarinet Solo

Double click the I/O button in the Inspector panel.

Assign track 1

When the EXS24 window appears select the Clarinet Solo preset from 09 Orchestral > 01 Woodwinds.

Assign Clarinet Solo

Keep the EXS24 window open.

Assign Remaining EXS24 Instruments

Use the Show Channel Strip popup menu to select track each of the remaining channel strips.

Assign track 3

Make these assignments.

Channel Strip
Name EXS24 Instrument
Flute 09 Orchestral > 01 Woodwinds > Flute Solo
Clarinet 09 Orchestral > 01 Woodwinds > Clarinet Solo
French Horn 1 09 Orchestral > 02 Brass> French Horn Solo
French Horn 2 09 Orchestral > 02 Brass> French Horn Solo Legato
Timpani 09 Orchestral > 04 Tuned Percussion > Timpani
Violin 1 09 Orchestral > 09 Strings > Violins 1 Legato
Violin 2 09 Orchestral > 09 Strings > Violins 2 Legato
Viola 09 Orchestral > 09 Strings > Violas Legato
Cello 09 Orchestral > 09 Strings > Cellos Legato
Contrabass 09 Orchestral > 09 Strings > Basses Pizzicato

The track names in the Inspector Panel should look like this.

EXS track icons all blue

Change the MIDI Track Title

Close the Mixer Window.

Select all green MIDI tracks.

Choose Name Regions by Tracks/Channel Strips from the Region menu.

Flute MIDI track title

The instrument names should appear in the track titles.

Tracks named

Change the Track Icons

Cick the samll icon in the Inspector panel and select the Icon that represents the flute.

TODO - fix small icon should be blue

Change track icon

After assigning track Icons.

EXS track icons all blue

SMF Cleaning

Select the Flute Track

Open the Event tab in the Lists view.

Click the Additional Info button and then click the Notes button. Unlike most buttons, when Event List buttons are turned on they filter out (turn off) the display of those MIDI events.

Delete the the five control messages.

Events List

Do the same for the remaining nine tracks.


Save often, at least once every 1-2 minutes.

Color Tracks

Open the Mixer, select track 1, and choose Colors from the View menu.

View colors

Select a track, then click a color.

Do not have to close the color panel.

Type left arrow and choose a color for track 2. Continue for all tracks.

Close the color panel.

Mixer colors

Close the Mixer.

Select all 10 MIDI tracks and choose Color Regions by Channel Strips/Instruments from the Region menu.

Color tracks by region


colored tracks


Save and save often.


Play a portion of the song. Granted, it's not very interesting yet.

Score Preparation

Open ValseTriste.pdf. Arrange your windows so you can see Logic, ValseTriste, and this Web page.

Although not required it is recommended that you create and print out a score for your final project piece. You can open a MIDI file in Sibelius to see the notation. Sibelius can print to a printer or Export to a PDF file. You can always ask me for help if you have questions or problems creating a score.

Measure numbers

The ValseTriste score has measure numbers at the top left of every system.

Rehearsal Letters

The score uses rehearsal letters A - O to mark significant sections in the score. We'll create markers in Logic to make it easy to navigate to any of those sections. Click the Lists icon and choose the Marker tab. In the following steps you'll create create Logic Markers to match up with measure numbers in your score.

Markers List

Create Markers

Click the create button 16 times to create a 16 markers.

Create 16 markers

Double click the Marker 2 position line.

Type 9 and press enter.

Change Marker position

Markers are sorted by measure number and measure 9 now appears. at the bottom of the list.

Marker position order

Click Marker 2 again and enter the starting measure for each of the remaining markers.

When completed your list will look like this.

Marker Positions sorted

Enter Marker Names

Double click Marker Name text and enter the text in the lower third of the window.

Marker names

Your completed Marker list should look like this.

Markers List


Valse Triste uses the following ten instruments.

Score Name English Name Abbreviation
Flauto Flute Fl
Clarinetto in A Clarinet Clar
Corni in F French Horn 1 Hrn1
Corni in F French Horn 2 Hrn2
Timpano in D Timpani Timp

Violino I

Violin 1 Vln1
Violino II Violin 2 Vln2
Viola Viola Vla
Violoncello Cello Vlc
Basso Contrabass Cb

Music Symbols and Text

There are a number of musical symbols and text elements that indicate how the piece is to be performed. These symbols fall into four broad categories:

Musical Terms

The following musical terms are used in the score:

Term Definition
deciso decisive, energetic
dolce sweetly
espress. expressively
meno less
molto much more


poco a poco


risoluto resolved, bold
segue continue in the same manner

The following musical terms are often used as adjectives to modify dynamics and tempo.

Adjective Definition
meno less
molto much more
piu more
poco a poco little by little


The following dynamic markings are used in the score. Dynamics refer to how loud and soft the sound is.

ppp very very soft
pp very soft
p soft
mp medium soft
mf medium loud
f loud
ff very loud
cresc getting louder
deciso decisive, energetic
decresc getting softer
dim getting softer
dolce sweetly
espress. expressively
risoluto with resolve, bold
Crescendo symbol crescendo, getting louder
Decrescendo symbol decrescendo, getting softer

Tempo Markings

Term Definition
a Tempo return to original tempo

comma indicates a breath mark - slight pause in music

breit broad, slow tempo
deciso decisive, energetic
fermata pause at the discretion of the performer
Lento slow
mosso motion, agitated
rall gradual slowing
rit gradual slowing
Stretto quickening of tempo


Term Symbol Definition
staccato . short, detached
legato curved line

smoothly connected

slur curved line over two notes of different pitch second note is shorter and slightly softer than first note
tenuto _ emphasize
accent > louder than surrounding notes
sforzando ffz, sfz louder than an accent


The following bowing techniques are used in the score:

Measure Type Symbol Definition
1 con sordini con sordini with mute
9 Slur Bowing Slur

smooth, second note softer and slightly shorter



Bowing spicatto point of the bow
56 Loure Bowing loure

multiple notes on one bow with separate pressure on each note, each note has a slight separation

70 legato Bowing legato smooth
83 pizzicato Bowing pizzicato plucked, not bowed
87 arco Bowing arco bowed
89 separate Bowing separate separate bow strokes each note, still smooth



Bowing martele hammer like bowing, bow stopped abruptly at end of stroke

Score Map

You should create an Excel spreadsheet of indicating the tempo, dynamics, instruments, and articulations used in the score. Here's an Excel spreadsheet for Valse Triste. The chart only shows the strings. The winds and brass expression marking are easy to see in the score.

Valse Triste.xls

Measure Marker Tempo Dynamics Vln1 Vln2 Vla Vlc Cb
1 0 Lento p mute mute mute mute pizz
3 pizz Pizz
7 arco arco
9 A p dolce
12-13 cresc
14-16 decresc
21-22 cresc
23-2 decresc
25 B
27-28 cresc
31-32 decresc
39 cresc
40 rall. decresc
41 C a Tempo, deciso pp spiz spiz spiz spiz
55 cresc
56 poco rall decresc arco arco arco arco
57 D a tempo piu pp spiz spiz spiz spiz
65-66 cresc
67-68 dim
69-70 p cresc arco arco arco arco
71 deciso mp deciso decresc
73 E fl vln mf espress. pizz
75 clar vla mf
76 decresc
77 mp dim
80 pp
83-84 pizz
85 mp
86 dim
89 pp arco
89 F p cresc arco
93-94 breit f
95 dim molto
98 pp
98 end Grand Pause
99 mp
102 rit
102 end breath mark
103 Lento ppp
104 cresc
105-106 decresc
106 end Grand Pause
107 G a tempo p dolce
109-110 cresc
112-113 decresc
115 H mp dolce pizz
117 pizz
120 arco
123 p cresc arco
126 mf
127 f
129 decresc
130 I poco risoluto f marcato marcato
131 pizz pizz arco
134 arco arco
138 marcato marcato
141 arco arco
143-145 cresc
146 f
154 J piu f
162 K piu risoluto e mosso ff arco arco
170 L Stretto f
183-185 decresc
186 M f
194 begin N Grand Pause
194 end meno meno f
195 mf pizz
197-198 decresc
199 pp
200-202 decresc

We'll add these articulations and dynamics in future labs.


TODO - save for next lab?

[Syllabus] [Overview]

Revised John Ellinger, January - September 2013