Visualizations for use in Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory

The Chiral Cobalt Complexes Lab

The Chiral complexes: Co(en)33+ and Co(diNOsar)3+
The Conformers of Λ -Co(en)33+
[CodiNOsar]3+:The Symmetry of Co(diNOsar)3+
[CodiNOsar]3+:The Symmetry of Co(diNOsar)3+: Idealized Symmetry
[CodiNOsar]3+:Chemically Equivalent Protons in Co(diNOsar)3+
[CodiNOsar]3+Visualizing the Magnetic Inequivalent Protons in Co(diNOsar)3+
[CodiNOsar]3+: For Final NMR Assignments: A Fragment of Co(diNOsar)3+

The Cobaloxime Lab
