MUSC 108. Introduction to Music Technology - Fall 2013

12 Lab 1 - Recording Audio From Almost Any Application

[Syllabus] [Overview]

This lab uses the free open source program Soundflower. It's Mac only and is installed on the iMacs in the lab. Soundflower is able to send audio from one program to another.


Open System Preferences from the Apple menu. Click the Sound icon.


Right Click Soundflower (2ch) and choose Use this device for sound output.

Soundflower 2ch

Close the System Preferences window.

Audacity Setup

Open Audacity and choose Soundflower (2ch) as the sound input device using 2 (Stereo...).

Audacity Soundflower input

Choose Preferences from the Audacity menu.

Overdub should already be turned on.

Turn on Software Playthrough; otherwise, you wont be able to hear what you're recording through Soundflower.

Click OK.

Audacity Software Playthrough


Open this YouTube link but don't play it yet.


Arrange your windows so you can see both YouTube and Audacity.

Click the Audacity record button (red circle) and then click the YouTube play button. You should see the recorded audio update in real time in the Audacity window.

Audacity record

Export As Wave File

When the recording is finished, choose Export from the File menu.

Audacity Export Menu

Save As Ziwzih.wav

Use the Format popup menu and choose WAV (Microsoft) signed 16 PCM.

WAV is the highest quality native audio file format available on both Mac and Windows. MP3 is not. The .wav filename extension will be added automatically.

Export popup menu

Return to Normalcy

Reset the the Sound Output to Internal Speakers.


SoundPrefs Normal

Reset Audacity Preferences. Turn off Software Playthrough and click OK.

Audacity Overdub only

Close all windows except the Audacity recording and continue with 12Lab2.

[Syllabus] [Overview]

Revised John Ellinger, January - September 2013