MUSC 108. Introduction to Music Technology - Fall 2013


[Overview] [Syllabus]

Important: This worksheet will be the starting file for 04Labs. Save it and have it available for the Unit4 class.

To the greenwood

This is the music to a traditional round, To the Greenwood. A round is a melody that harmonizes with itself at different starting times.

There are four beats per measure. The numbers above the first note of each measure represent the beat number. Multiply the beat number by 1000 and you have the chronological time for that beat.

To make it easy to match the beat numbers to the spreadsheet time values, use 1000 as your first starting time.


To The Greenwood score

Unable to play MP3

Here's a PDF version of the score if you'd like to print it.

Worksheet Overview

You're going to enter the MIDI data for this song in Excel. You'll use named cells to create the rhythmic drive by adjusting velocity values.


Create a new Excel spreadsheet. Save it as 03Worksheet1-YourName.xls.

Enter header Label in A1

Click cell A1 and type "; Voice 1 - To the Greenwood". Be sure to begin with a semicolon. MIDIDisplay treats lines that begin with a semicolon as comments.

You won't be using the "time status data1 data2" header row in this worksheet. You can assume that column A is time, column B is status, column C is data1, and column D is data2.

Enter Data

Enter the MIDI message data for To The Greenwood.

Note 1: The first time in the score is 1000, not 0 as it has been before. That way the beat number in the score multiplied by 1000 will give you chronological time in your Excel worksheet.

Note 2: Set all NON velocities to 100.

Note 3: NOF uses status 80 with velocity zero.

Play in MIDIDisplay

End of part 1

Part 2 will create the rhythmic drive

Create the Rhythmic drive

The rhythmic drive or meter in four four time is:

Beat 1


Beat 2 weak
Beat 3 strong (less than beat 1)
Beat 4 weak

Sort the data

Because you're only changing the velocities of the NON messages, you'll need to sort the data into NON's and NOF's.

Sort by status descending (assuming you used 80 for NOF).

Setup named cells for the Beat accents

Set the velocity values for the strong and weak beats using named cells as you did in 03Lab4.

Column J is the label and Column K is the data.

Enter this data into cells J1:K5.

Beat cells

Define names for each cell in column K. The names should match the labels in column J.

Build the formulas

Enter the Beat1 formula

The first note of this song occurs on beat 1 at time 1000. All remaining beat ones fall on times 5000, 9000, 13000, 17000 etc. All beat ones will be spaced 4 beats or 4000 ms apart.

Enter the formula =beat1 in column E for all beat ones.

beat one formula

Enter the Beat3 formula

The second note of this piece is on beat three at time 3000. All beat threes fall on times 3000,7000, 11000, 15000, etc.

Enter the formula =beat3 in column E for all beat threes.

Beat 3 formula

Enter the Beat4 formula

The third note of this piece is on beat four at time 4000. All beat beat fours fall on times 4000,8000, 12000, 16000, etc.

Enter the formula =beat4 in column E for all beat fours.

Beat 4 formula

Enter the Beat2 formula

The fifth note of this piece is on beat two in the second measure and falls on 6000. All beat beat twos fall on times 2000,6000, 10000, 14000, etc.

Enter the formula =beat2 in column E for all beat fours.

Beat 2 formula

Enter the Formula for notes on the Ands

The notes that fall between the beats are often counted in ands. For example measure five would be counted "1 and 2 and three - four -."

In To the Greenwood, the "ands" are the eighth notes played between beats one two and between beats two three.

The ands occur at times 17500, 18500, 25500, 26500, 34500, 38500, 42500, and 46500.

Enter the formula =ands for to the remaining "ands."

Beat formula for ands

Paste the adjusted velocities back into column D

Copy the adjusted velocities E2:E48.

Click in cell D2 and Paste Special by values.

Sort the data into MIDIDisplay order

Select A2:D97 and sort.

Sort into MIDIDisplay order


Play in MIDIDisplay

Copy the data in cells A1:D97 and paste it into MIDIDisplay and Play.

You should hear the rhythmic accents on beats one and three.

Try a tempo of 120.


Adjust the values in the named cells K1:K5 to values that sound good to you.

Save This worksheet and have it available for the next class

Save it to USB flash drive. You could also email yourself the Excel worksheet as an attachment. Have this worksheet available for the next class.

[Overview] [Syllabus]

Revised John Ellinger, January - September 2013