Some family

Henry and his characteristic tilted head. "What are you
saying? Speak dog would you, I don't know human." In the
background Alex and Adam are snuggled together watching a movie and
having popcorn. 12/11/10

Adam in the yellow shirt at his lightsaber class. The kids
learned moves just like real Jedi.

Alex and Adam next to Alex's log cabin structure. After the
picture was taken Alex had the pleasure of destroying it. 11/8/10

Alex is a master builder, this time with Jenga. He made a jail
for a stuffed animal. Usually his projects involve big wood
and nails and screws and power tools. 6/2010

The boys in front of some of Adam's artwork. His is the one at
the top above Alex's head.

Alex is standing proudly by some of his artwork, which is just above
his head.

Adam is standing proudly by some of his artwork, which is just to his

I think Alex is getting serious about his performance of Bach's toccata
and fugue in D, Alex's favorite piece.

Three of Alex's scarecrows - his version of The Scarecrow Walks at
Midnight from the Goosebumps. He added a fourth. How many 6
year olds do this, and build and build?
Also shown is our new dog Henry. He is 1 year old and adopted
from the Humane Society's program to adopt strays that would otherwise
be put down. He is a big guy and high energy, kind of like the
kids. We are getting an invisible fence so he can run
around. He is a good sleeper and sleeps with the boys the whole
night thru.
We went to Target and Adam got a bigger bike helmet, some Pokemon
cards, a new DSI game and Alex got a rake and some solar garden
lights. He likes fancy stuff for the house and garden, and does
have good taste. 4/2010

Adam sporting his new glasses and missing his two front teeth acting
goofy. 3/2/10

Alex and Adam, two loving brothers. Adam just got his new
glasses. 3/2/10

Alex is enamored with organ music. He wants to learn to play the
organ so he is going to start on his new Yamaha piano/organ. Adam
is learning too. Alex is ready for the big performance with his
top hot. In the background on the floor is his toolbox with a set
of real tools including a power drill. That is his other passion
- building. Christmas 2009

Adam, Christmas 2009. He is quiet, confident, really good at
making friends and being a friend, and he loves to dance.

The boys on the steps of the lighthouse at Canal Park in Duluth,
MN. 8/2009

The latest picture of the two happy and loving little guys in front of
Alex's art project. He had taken all
the blankets in the house and laid them out on the floor from the
kitchen to the upstairs bedroom, and
proudly called it his art project. 1/06/08

This is dad's favorite picture of Adam going to kindergarten for the
first day. Going with him is his proud
brother Alex and mom. It was a beautiful, warm day and Adam was
happy and looking forward to going.

Adam was on a mission to collect butterflies but was having no
success. Shortly after this photo he and dad managed
to catch one and Adam ran in the house to show mom.

In May the boys took their training wheels off and discovered they
really didn't need them. They are now
big bikers, especially Alex who loves to go on long bike rides with mom
or dad. He also likes to ride his
bike year round, which means he is out in the snow. Adam often
joins him. 2007

Adam and Alex at the controls of a 1950's era military transport on
display the the Minnesota Air National Guard Museum.

Adam in front of a troop transport vehicle at the Army Museum, next to
the Air Museum.

The little guys got their hair cut today and the stylist formed their
braid. Alex wanted the rubber band
out at bedtime so his is no longer braided. 3/14/07

Mom and dad's pride and joy.

Alex and Adam have their winter jackets on ready to go to school.
We finally got some snow
that should stick around for a while and the little guys are excited to
get out in it. Of course
Alex still likes to ride his bike and doesn't let a little snow get in
the way, much like his dad
in his youth. Adam is every bit a shoger guy (soldier guy) with
his clothing and toys. It is
his latest obsession, one that he masters like all the others.
Tho not visible in this picture
they both still have their braids, now about 3" long.

Adam, Alex and mom prepare to go trick-or-treating at the Carleton
Dorms. Adam became
atached to the Spiderman costume (and movies) and wore it day after day.

Alex and Adam soon after we arrived at the Children's Museum in St.
Paul. The affection
evident in this picture is real and strong. Tho they may get in
each other's face occasionally
(and eye) they really do love each other and look out for each
other. At school they play
together and depend on each other.

This could be titled "two boys, two bikes, and a puddle of
water". They figured out how
to get their bikes set up on the training wheels such that the rear
wheel would spin
when peddled spraying the water out behind them. Blue fire as
they call it, after the
color of the exhaust from the Star War's spaceships.

Adam is setting up his Star Wars "shoger guys" (soldier guys) on his
elaborate wooden
structure (a fort?) built at school. Adam is quiet but very
creative, and often builds
complicated layouts of trains or buildings or spaceships or shoger guys.

Alex is saying "all aboard" in his usual enthusiastic voice. His
wooden structure made
at school is a water tower (the two taller pieces). One of
the teachers remarked that
Alex could convince people he is 25 years old.

Adam loves to ride his new bike, and go fast.

Adam and Alex in their matching red shirts pose for a picture for mommy
who is in
California as part of her Carnegie Scholar program. 6/26/06

Adam is really loving his time being pulled by Alex. Alex drives
that trike all over
and his little legs move in a blur. They got their haircut a
little earlier as well as
their sucker. 06/08/06

Here they are chasing each other in a loop through the side garage
door. Adam is
on a neighbor's big trike and Alex has his wheels too. Alex is on
a mission, and
Adam is just happy. 06/08/06

Though Adam and Alex have their moments of conflict, they really do
love each other
and show that in many ways. Alex is a month and a half shy of 3
and Adam is three
months short of 4. Soon they will both be in the same day care
("school") again. 5/24/06

Alex and Adam are off and running on their tricycles as the weather has
finally turned warm
enough to be outside. Adam has outgrown his bike and soon will be
moving to training wheels.
Alex is fast on his feet and his bike and can be out in the road faster
than we can stop him.
Actually Alex kind of floats when he runs. He also has a wide
range of facial expressions.
Adam has blossomed at Northfield Day Care. He has many new
friends there leading to
several play dates. 4/13/06

They were distracted just long enough from their movie to smile for the
camera wearing their
Thomas the Train pajamas. Adam has his apple of course, and Alex
a bowl of O's. Mom is just
happy for some quiet time with the boys. The movie was either Madagascar ("I like to move it,
move it") or Wallace and Gromit's Were
Rabbit. Alex is 2 3/4 years old and Adam 3 1/2.

Alex is in dad's shoppo working on his latest project. Adam was
also down there wanting to
build something. Pretty soon it won't be dad's shoppo
anymore. 2/11/06

Adam and mom are building "Frosty". After they got it done Adam
pushed it over. So, dad
rebuilt it later and it sports a baseball cap. 12/29/05

We had an early Christmas get-together for the Baraniak family at
Thanksgiving. All the kids
gathered in my parent's old house, which my younger sister now
owns. There was a lot of
activity to distract the little guys, but mom and dad are looking good

Part of the night time routine is to watch a video. Tonite it is
The Polar Express, and you can
see the little guys are captivated. It is a wonderful movie for
all ages. They are each eating
their apple, also part of the routine. Adam has eaten as many as
three in one night. Note also
that Alex has his train track sign in his left hand and Adam has his
backpack with his Harry
Potter chess set inside. 11/23/05

Our cat of 13 years Abner died on November 4, 2005. He went
outside at lunch to do his
business and never came back. Trish found him the next day in the
trees behind our house.
Though neglected lately with the kids he hung in there and was a good
buddy. Lately he
had been slowing down and sleeping a lot, perhaps his heart murmur was
catching up with him.
Adam and Alex aren't real aware of this but are looking toward
Christmas when we plan
to get one or probably two more kitties.

Adam and Alex attended the Halloween party in the west gym.
Adam's costume is obvious,
Alex's is in keeping with his passion - a train track sign. They
do like their suckers! (10/30/05)

Adam - and Alex for that matter - like to come to dad's "shoppo".
Though they don't yet
understand what is done there, at least they are curious and
comfortable with it, and who
knows, they may develop an interest in the science and
technology. Alex has already said
"I want to go to the moon someday", and Adam has staked out an area in
the shop as his
"office" and designates other places around the house as his office and
workshop. Dad is
so proud :-)

Adam had to show his neighbor Brynne his Harry Potter chess set.
She doesn't
seem to
mind. (8/18/05)

Adam and Alex
enjoying a
sucker while standing in the road waiting for the 'knight bus for
witches and
Both are big Harry Potter movie fans, and after this picture dad was a
and chased them
Alex is wearing his favorite shirt since it has a railroad track sign
on it (the
yellow RR sign). Besides RR signs his other passions are the
Carleton "nim mill" (windmill), wheels,
and keys. Adam's passions are fire trucks, Darth Vader, and Harry
Potter's chess set. (8/28/05)

Trish and the

Alex (24 months old,
on the
left) and Adam (34 months old) happy
in the morning
before heading off to school (ok, day care), 6/20/05.
