/* Save this in a file named iterates.c on a UNIX machine (the NeXTs). Compile this by entering the directory where the file is saved, then typing: cc -O -o iterate iterates.c type "iterate" to execute. When it works say "Thank you" to Britt! */ #include void main(void) { int iterations,i,tail; float mu; double x; char theChar; theChar = 'Y'; while((theChar != 'n')&&(theChar != 'N')) { printf ("mu: "); scanf("%f",&mu); getchar(); printf("Iterations: "); scanf("%d",&iterations); getchar(); printf ("x value: "); scanf("%f",&x); getchar(); printf ("Tail: "); scanf("%d",&tail); getchar(); for(i=1;i<=iterations;i++) { x = mu*x*(1 - x); if(i>=iterations-tail) printf("%g\n",x); } printf("Again? (y/n): "); scanf("%s",&theChar); } }