Deitel and Deitel
C++: How to Program, 2nd ed.
Prentice-Hall, 1994.
- Popular with both the trade and high school markets
- Introductory chapter (47 pages) is more concerned with popular computer and programming topics and less with an introduction to computer science topics. Includes introductory C++ examples.
- Chapter Two, Control. 88 pages. 22 sections. Includes switch. Distinquishes well between if and if/else. Iteration. Reasonably complete. Useful reference.
- Chapter Three, Functions. 80 pages. Includes recursion, enum, inline, templates, overloading, default arguments, reference parameters. Quite complete. May overwhelm beginners.
- Classes. Introduced in Chapter 6.
- Strings. Older strings, STL string class, STL vectors.
- A bit dated. Due for a new edition already? E.g. bool is in the last chapter (Chapter 21) on newer additions to C++.
- Large, almost 1100 pages, STL, inheritance, etc. Some data structures.