M & C Mellon Project

Facilities at Carleton


Modern Language Center (MLC)




Satellite Dishes


Public Computing

Center for Mathematics & Computing (CMC)

There are many several classrooms with different software and hardware available to faculty and students. These classrooms are equiped with projection technology which can be seen by all students on their computer monitors or at the front of the room, on the large pull down screen. This technology allows the professor to show all of their students how to use the computer programs while each student follows along on their own computer. This equipment also allows them to show videos.

Mac Power PC Classroom

Technology Resource Center

Other Resources



In 1993-94, Carleton's Advisory Committee for Academic Computing created a Curricular Computing Grant program to facilitate faculty exploration of the benefits of curricular technology. As stated in grant proposal


Curricular Computing Grants are designed to enable faculty to explore, experiment with,

and pilot the use of information technologies to enhance their teaching. The goal is the

improvement of educational outcomes.

The following grant project have been undertaken by language faculty:



Maria Elena Doleman

to inventory and evaluate Internet sites that provide information on Spain and Latin America, and to undertake their incorporation into the Spanish curriculum.

Mariko Kaga

to explore computer applications, Internet sites, and integrated computer-video materials, and to assess their usefulness in teaching Japanese.




Diane Pearsall

for examining computer based materials and methods for use outside the classroom by Spanish 101, 102, 103, and 204 students to gain mastery in listening, speaking, writing, and cultural awareness.

Anne Ulmer

for exploring CD ROM and Internet resources to give students more exposure to culture in German-speaking countries.

Qiguang Zhao

for examining ways to enhance writing and teaching of the Chinese language with computer and multimedia technologies.




Scott Carpenter

for assessing computer-based materials to enhance student performance and interest the introductory French sequence, and to develop skills in languages not offered at the college.