Advice About Using this Site

While examining this site, we encourage you to interact with the site by moving the molecules with your mouse and using the Jmol buttons or checkboxes to execute operations on the molecules.
NOTE that the first operation you run will take a few seconds before it begins. Subsequently all other operations (on any page) should be immediate.
Any operation can be repeated multiple times and often from different orientations.
Please be patient to let each operation finish before attempting to begin another operation.

Information About the Site

  1. These pages were written in HTML5 language and were tested on the Firefox and Safari Browsers for Mac Operating Systems and Internet Explorer and Firefox Browsers for Windows Systems (March 2014)
  2. 3D Images of molecules have been displayed using the JSmol program. JSmol scripts have been added to create "buttons" or "checkboxes" that allow the images to be manipulated in a specific fashion. This site was originally written for Jmol and has been converted to run with JSmol. To learn more about the JSmol program
  3. Most of the structures of the metal tris chelates come from the Cambridge Structural Data Base and have been reproduced with permission of the CCDC. Pdb files located searching with the Program ConQuest (Version 1.8) were transformed to mol files using the programs Chem3D and Gaussview. In most cases hydrogens were added using the Gaussview Program. A literature reference is given for (the reported structure) of each molecule. Some of the structures are modified or calculated structures and are indicated as such when applicable.
  4. To reduce the clutter in each structure, each bond is shown as a single bond although MOST of the structures have multiple bonds. In each page a link is provided to a page with more information and a structure showing the multiple bonds.
  5. All questions designed for student response are shown in red within each Exercise Page.
  6. Please send any feeback to Marion Cass, Department of Chemistry, Carleton College, Northfield, MN 55057 or

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Resources developed by Marion E. Cass, Carleton College and updated in 2014. Computations and content done in consultation with Henry S. Rzepa, Imperial College, London