Comps 2011 Jones Group
- An interesting TpRh with a η2ethylene
- Stoutland and Bergman's Oxidative Addition Product of ethylene to PMe3Cp*Ir
- Structures from "An Efficient Low-Temperature Route to Polycyclic Isoquinoline Salt Synthesis via C-H Activation with [Cp*MCl2]2"
J. Am. Chem. Soc, Vol 130, 2008, p. 12414-12419, Paper 175
- Computational Intermediate from "C-H and C-C Bond Activation of Acetonitrile and Benzonitrile via Oxidative Addition: Rhodium vs Nickel and Cp* vs Tp' "
J. Am. Chem. Soc, Vol 132, 2010, 16278-84, Paper 196
- Computational Intermediate from "C-H and C-C Bond Activation of Acetonitrile and Succiononitrile by [Tp'Rh(PR3] "
Organometallics, 2011Paper 200
Comps 2012