Some Photos of Local Lorentz Group Members

Geoffrey Mo, Jay Tasson, and Max Trostel upon our return from CPT'19, wearing our hats from the meeting.

Geoffrey Mo, Serena Moseley, Jay Tasson, and Joey Gais at the LIGO/Virgo collaboration meeting.

Nick Scaramuzza and Jay Tasson at the CPT'16 meeting.

Daria Atkinson, Jay Tasson, Natasha Flowers, and Frank Yang at the LVGR'14 meeting.

Daria Atkinson, Thomas Bertschinger, McCoy Becker, Jay Tasson, and Joel Weisberg upon our return from CPT'13, wearing our hats from the meeting.

Jay Tasson, McCoy Becker, Daria Atkinson, and Thomas Bertschinger at the CPT'13 poster session.