wrote the following:
I'm currently in my fourth year of a Ph.D.
program in personality/social psychology at the University
of Texas
Austin. My research
focuses on methods of assessing personality, specifically
comparing self-reports, reports by informants, and direct
measures. I have done some work on assessing personality
in non-human animals, but I focus mostly on humans. I am
in self-knowledge - what people do and don't know about themselves,
and how feedback (e.g., learning how others see you or observing
your own behavior) can affect self-perceptions.
My work with the tamarins at Carleton influenced my interest
in assessment and methods, particularly in non-human animals.
Observing and coding the behavior of the tamarins gave
me first-hand experience with behavioral measures. The
test we conducted with the tamarins contributed to my interest
in the origin and function of self-knowledge. Feeding them
at 8am on Saturday mornings and scrubbing their cages also
prepared me for the challenges of graduate school!