Student Authors
(of published works, submitted works, and professional posters)
Richard Parsons, '00 |
Samantha Anders, '00 |
Julie Neiworth, Faculty |
Neiworth, J.J., Anders, S.L.*, and Parsons, R.R.* (2001). Tracking responses related to self-recognition: A frequency comparison of responses to mirrors, photographs, and videotape of monkeys by cotton top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 115, 432-438. Neiworth, J.J., Parsons, R.R.*, and Hassett, J.M.* Attentional Differences Toward Natural Kinds Categories by Cotton Top Tamarins (Saguinus oedipus): An Examination of Preferential Looking at Different Levels of Category Inclusiveness. At the 14th Bienniel International Conference on Infant Studies, Toronto, ONT Canada, April 18-21, 2002. |
Mark Lickteig, '01
Mike Burman, '01
Ben Basile, '02, not pictured. |
Neiworth, J.J., Burman, M.A.*, Basile, B.M.*, and Lickteig, M.T.* (2002). Use of experimenter-given cues in visual co-orienting and in an object-choice task by a new world monkey species, cotton top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 116, 3-11. Neiworth, J.J., Burman, M.*, Basile, B.*, & Lickteig, M.* Use of experimenter-given cues in co-orienting and choice tasks in cotton top tamarins. (#34), Human Cognition, Comparative Psychology and Psychobiology Session, 73rd Annual Midwestern Psychological Association Meeting, Chicago, ILL, May 5, 2001. |
Frances "Dusty" Steely, '01
. |
Catherine "Carrie" DeHart, '02
Eric Steinmark, '01 |
Neiworth, J.J., Steinmark, E.*, Basile, B.M.*, Wonders, R.*, Steely, F.* and DeHart, C.*(2003). A test of object permanence in a New World monkey species, cotton top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus). Animal Cognition, 6, 27-37. Neiworth, J.J., Steinmark, E.*, DeHart, C.*, and Steely, F.* A test of object permanence in a new world monkey species, cotton top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus). At the 42nd Annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Orlando, FL, Nov 15 -17, 2001. |
Janice Hassett, '03.
Cara Sylvester, '03 |
Neiworth, J.J., Parsons, R.R. * and Hassett, J.M.* (2004). A test of the generality of perceptually-based categories found in infants: Attentional differences toward natural kinds by New World monkeys. Developmental Science, 7, 185-193. Neiworth, J.J., Hassett, J.M.*, Sylvester, C.J.* (submitted 2004). Experiential and ecological influences on face processing in humans and monkeys. Animal Cognition, acceptance pending revision in progress. Neiworth, J.J., Sylvester, C.J.*, Hassett, J.M.*, and Basile, B.M.* Is Socially-mediated Sharing Ape-Specific? The Effects of Cooperation and of a Food Prime on Food Sharing in Cotton Top Tamarins (Saguinus oedipus). Presented at the 75th Annual Midwestern Psychological Association Meeting, Chicago, ILL, May 8-10, 2003. Neiworth, J.J, Hassett, J.M.*, and Sylvester, C.J.* Face processing by tamarins and humans: Evidence of conspecific and experiential effects. Presented at the 75th Annual Midwestern Psychological Association Meeting, Chicago, ILL, May 8-10, 2003. |
Cassie McMillan, '03 |
Melinda Jensen, '03 |
Neiworth, J.J., Sylvester, C.J.*, Hassett, J.M.*, Basile, B.M.*, Jensen, M.S.*, McMillan, C. * (in preparation, 2005). Is socially-mediated sharing ape-specific? The effects of cooperation and of a food prime on food sharing in cotton top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus). |
Robin Ballard, '03 |
Neiworth, J.J. & Ballard, R.* The influence of Geometric and Nongeometric Cues in Foraging by Tamarins. Presentation# 1023, 44th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Vancouver, CANADA, Nov 6, 2003. | |
Anne Olinick, '04, not pictured yet. |
Amy Gleichman, '05, not pictured yet. |
Kristen Lamp, '05, not pictured yet. |
Neiworth, J.J., Gleichman, A.*, Olinick, A.*, Lamp, K.* Hierarchical Processing of Stimuli by Adults, 5-year olds, and Monkeys. 45th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Minneapolis, MN, November 18-21, 2004. |
Alison Lewis, '05 |
Maren Sonstegard, '05 |
Neiworth, J.J., Lewis, A.* and Sonstegard, M.* Assessment of Number by Tamarins. At the 12th Annual Comparative Cognition Society Meeting, CO3-2005, Melbourne Beach, Florida, March 16-19, 2005. |