Instrument 3 is an exact copy of Instrument 1. However, it starts four measures after Instrument 1 starts.
Copy and paste 07Lab3 into 07Lab4 at A1.
Change all status bytes to MIDI channel 2. Change 81 to 82 and 91 to 92.
Because Instrument 3 is an exact copy of Instrument 1 you only need to change the first PPQ time. All other PPQ times will be correct.
Instrument 3 starts in measure 5. The millisecond time at the beginning of measure 5 is 16000 (given the starting time of zero). You need to convert 16000 into a PPQ value.
This is the formula :
PPQ(16000) = 16000*480/1000 = 7680
Another way to look at it is that 16 quarter notes must pass before Instrument 3 can start. Because each quarter note lasts 480 PPQ, an equivalent formula would be:
PPQ(16000) =16 * 480 = 7680
Enter 7680 in cell A2. All other PPQ times remain unchanged.
Continue with 07Lab5.
Revised John Ellinger, January - September 2013