MUSC 108. Introduction to Music Technology - Fall 2013

AU Lab setup for home use on the mac


Open Audio MIDI Setup

The Audio MIDI Setup (AMS) application is found in the /Applications/Utilities folder.

Shortcut: Apple-Shift-U in the Finder.

Audio MIDI Setup icon

Choose Show MIDI Window from the Window menu if it is not already open.

Audio MIDI Setup MIDI Window

In the MIDI Studio window you'll need to Activate the IAC (Inter Application Communication) Driver. In this picture it's shown as a deactivated gray icon.

IAC Device icon gray

Double click the IAC Driver icon in the MIDI Studio window.

Click and Unclick the Device is online checkbox.

Make sure the "Device is online" checkbox is checked and close the window.

IAC Device activeated

The IAC Device icon should be displayed in its active state (not grayed out).

Close Audio MIDI Setup.

Open AU Lab

Open AU Lab in the Applications folder.

AU Lab icon

Open MIDIDisplay

Open MIDIDisplay in the Applications folder.

MIDIDIsplay icon

Make sure the Device popup menu displays both the IAC Driver and DLS Music Device. Choose DLS Music Device.

MIDIDIsplay device menu

Should be working now.


Revised John Ellinger, January - September 2013