Whole rest centered in measure
Whole rest always in space 3
Note values are names not fractions
Determine if you're working in treble clef or bass clef
Flags = beams = curls on rests for eighth notes through 128th notes (one to five flags, beams or curls
Sharp G (#G) is not a correct text answer, G sharp (G#) is. Same for other accidentals
Musicians never write on music with anything except a pencil
Attach computer lab files as PDF documents.
Worksheet 5-1.pdf
Worksheet 5-2.html Ear Training [pdf
for answers]
Worksheet 5-3.pdf
Worksheet 5-4.html Ear
Training [pdf for
In class drills
Note Reading speed drills
Rhythm ear training
Revised by John Ellinger, Spring 2012.