CS 312 -Project 1 Guidelines
CS 312 Audio Programming Winter 2020
Table of Contents
Project 1
I've read and returned all your project proposals. After reading them I have modified the format for your presentations.
There will be no "best song awards." Many of your projects we're geared toward trying new programming techniques and weren't really meant for a "best song award." Instead you will present a lecture/demonstration of your project in class on Monday week 7.1.
There will be ten partner presentations and two single presentations. During the 70 minutes of class time each presentation will be limited to 4 minutes.
The master computer, projector, and sound system will be available for your presentation.
My suggestion for your source code is to put every file you need to compile and run your project in a single folder. Copy all common folder .cpp and .h files you're using into that project folder. That will simplify loading your project on the master computer. It will greatly simplify CMakeLists.txt and make it easy to compile and run in vsCode.
If you plan to create any PowerPoint or use any other visual aids copy them onto a USB drive for easy transfer to the master computer.
Lecture / Demonstration
- Discuss why you chose this project.
- Discuss new and interesting features in your project.
- Discuss problems encountered and solutions found.
- Partners share time in the presentation.
Source Code
- Your project source code must be submitted to the hand-in folder like regular homework. You decide which Hand-in folder it goes in. Deadline is end of class 7.1.
- I must be able to compile from your project folder using your CMakeLists.txt file.
Printed Paper
- All projects must be accompanied by a 1-2 page printed paper explaining your concept, problems encountered, solutions found, and satisfaction with result.
- Document ideas that were "borrowed" from the internet.
- Explain what you would have liked to do but didn't have time for.
- Include instructions for operating your program as would be found in a user manual for your program.