4.2 Class
CS 312 Audio Programming Winter 2020

Table of Contents

Class 4.2

Lab 4.2 will look at how you can create MIDI sound output directly from your code without using MIDIDisplay_DLS. MIDIDisplay_DLS uses Apple's built in General MIDI synthesizer known as DLS_Synth. DLS stands for DownLoadableSounds and refers to the fact the it is possible to replace Apple's choice of sounds with other 3rd party sound libraries in the Sound Font format. Apple's sounds are licensed from Roland Corporation and are very good.

There is not a lot of documentation about using the DLS_Synth and most of it is based on a ten year old Apple Developer code example called playSoftMidi.cpp. The following steps describe the procedure I followed to compile playSoftMidi.cpp. Once that's been accomplished you'll refactor the code into a CAppleMidiSynth and use it like this.

 // stuff packets
  std::vector<CMidiPacket> vplay;
 // play using CAppleMidiSynth
  CAppleMidiSynth ams;

Mount your course folder using the Go menu in Mac Finder


Execute in Mac Terminal

setup312 <your_carleton_email_name>

Folder structure
After you've mounted your cs312 course folder the mount point is

$HOME312 = /Volumes/cs312-00-w20/StuWork/email_name (same as above)
Inside $HOME312 are these folders
bin common cs312 googletest (the big download from class 3.2)
# anything else is ignored in assignment setups


Download playSoftMIDI from Apple

Download link

Click the "Download Smaple Code" button.


cd $HOME312
cp ~/Downloads/PlaySoftMIDI.zip .
unzip PlaySoftMIDI.zip
ls # Make sure the PlaySoftMIDI folder is in $HOME312

cd $HOME312/cs312
mkdir hw42
cd hw42
mkdir c421_playSoftMidi
cd c421_playSoftMidi
touch CMakeLists.txt
mkdir build
cp $HOME312/PlaySoftMIDI/main.cpp ./c421_playSoftMidi.cpp

Open c421_playSoftMidi folder as a workspace in vsCode

Open the c421_main.cpp file.
Open vsCode Terminal.

Problems right away

The PROBLEMS tab shows four problems. When trying to compile 10 year old code you can reasonably expect problems.


The problems are the result of using an obsolete macro require_noerr that was removed in Xcode 9 (lab uses Xcode 10.x). The require_noerr macro was replaced with __Require_noErr which I found out by googling "Mac OS X require_noerr".

Fix 1.
FIND: require_noerr
REPLACE: __Require_noErr (two underscore prefix)


Problems gone. Don't believe it.


Compile 1

#cd $HOME312/cs312/hw42/c421_playSoftMidi
 cl c421_playSoftMidi.cpp

Four warnings, many undefined symbols, ending with a link error.


Fix 2.
The link errors occur because the linker cannot find the framework libraries for that match the Audio includes.

These Apple #include files are used but the libraries that implement these files cannot be found by during the link phase.

#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h> //for file stuff
#include <AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h>
#include <AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h> //for AUGraph

Compile 2
You can use the -frameworks compile flag to include framework libraries on the command line.

cl -framework CoreServices -framework AudioUnit -framework AudioToolbox c421_playSoftMidi.cpp

Progress but still problems
Four warnings left. We'll deal with the warnings one at a time.

Fix 3. 'FSPathMakeRef' warning
Comment out this section (lines 121-134) Shortcut: Select region then type Command-/.


Compile 3

cl -framework CoreServices -framework AudioUnit -framework AudioToolbox c421_playSoftMidi.cpp

Progress, no errors but three warnings
The warnings are all related to the printf(…) statement on line 162.

c421_playSoftMidi.cpp:162:64: warning: values of type 'UInt32' should not be used as format arguments; add an explicit cast to
      'unsigned int' instead [-Wformat]
                printf("Playing Note: Status: 0x%lX, Note: %ld, Vel: %ld\n", noteOnCommand, noteNum, onVelocity);
                                                ~~~                          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
                                                %X                           (unsigned int)

Before we fix the errors execute ./a.out.
You should see this output and hear the C major scale being played.

je$ ./a.out
AudioUnitGraph 0xBC8000:
  Member Nodes:
        node 1: 'aumu' 'dls ' 'appl', instance 0x80bc8112 O I
        node 2: 'aufx' 'lmtr' 'appl', instance 0x80bc8113 O I
        node 3: 'auou' 'def ' 'appl', instance 0x80bc8114 O I
        node   1 bus   0 => node   2 bus   0  [ 2 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x00000029) 32-bit little-endian float, deinterleaved]
        node   2 bus   0 => node   3 bus   0  [ 2 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x00000029) 32-bit little-endian float, deinterleaved]
        mLastUpdateError=0, eventsToProcess=F, isInitialized=T, isRunning=F
Playing Note: Status: 0x90, Note: 60, Vel: 127
Playing Note: Status: 0x90, Note: 61, Vel: 127
Playing Note: Status: 0x90, Note: 62, Vel: 127
Playing Note: Status: 0x90, Note: 63, Vel: 127
Playing Note: Status: 0x90, Note: 64, Vel: 127
Playing Note: Status: 0x90, Note: 65, Vel: 127
Playing Note: Status: 0x90, Note: 66, Vel: 127
Playing Note: Status: 0x90, Note: 67, Vel: 127
Playing Note: Status: 0x90, Note: 68, Vel: 127
Playing Note: Status: 0x90, Note: 69, Vel: 127
Playing Note: Status: 0x90, Note: 70, Vel: 127
Playing Note: Status: 0x90, Note: 71, Vel: 127
Playing Note: Status: 0x90, Note: 72, Vel: 127

Fix warnings
The printf(…) command that is part of the C library. We'll replace it using C++ std::cout. Comment out the printf(…) command (162) and rewrite using std::cout.

// printf("Playing Note: Status: 0x%lX, Note: %ld, Vel: %ld\n", noteOnCommand, noteNum, onVelocity);
//clang-format off
std::cout << "Playing Note: Status: " << noteOnCommand
          << " Note: " << noteNum
          << " Vel: " << onVelocity
          << std::endl;
//clang-format on

Be sure to add #include <iostream> to the include section.

One more fix for consistency with other cs312 homework FIND: UInt32
REPLACE: uint32_t

Compile 4

cl -framework CoreServices -framework AudioUnit -framework AudioToolbox c421_playSoftMidi.cpp



You should hear a scale being played and see the same output as before.

Here's how you would add Mac framework libraries to a CMakeLists.txt file.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
set(APPNAME "c421_playMIDI")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++17 -Wall ")


add_executable(${APPNAME} ${SOURCE_FILES})

# add framework libraries to your project.
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE "-framework CoreServices")
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE  "-framework AudioUnit")
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE  "-framework AudioToolbox")


playSoftMIDI code notes

This Overview is from:


Audio Unit Processing Graph Services provide interfaces for representing a set of audio units, connections between their inputs and outputs, and callbacks used to provide inputs. It also enables the embedding of sub (or child) processing graphs within parent graphs to allow for a logical organization of parts of an overall signal chain.

An audio processing graph object (of type AUGraph) is a complete description of an audio signal processing network. Audio Unit Processing Graph Services may manage the instantiated audio units if the AUGraphOpen function is called.

An audio processing graph object may be introspected to get complete information about all of the audio units in the graph. The various node objects (each of type AUNode) in the graph, each representing an audio unit or a sub graph, may be added or removed, and the interactions between them modified.

A graph object’s state can be manipulated in both the rendering thread and in other threads. Consequently, any activities that affect the state of the graph are guarded with locks and a messaging model between any calling thread and the thread upon which the graph object’s output unit is called (the render thread).

A graph object will have a single head node––an output unit. The output unit is used to both start and stop the rendering operations of a graph, and is the dispatch point for the safe manipulation of the state of the graph while it is running.

Here's a version of the playSoftMIDI.cpp code with my comments that will hopefully add a little insight into the code.

OSStatus CreateAUGraph(AUGraph &outGraph, AudioUnit &outSynth)
  OSStatus result;
      JE create three nodes for AUGraph
      Describes signal flow
      synthNode ==> limiterNode ==> outNode
      formatted as one line per node variable
  AUNode synthNode;    // Apple DLS synth
  AUNode limiterNode;  // avoids clipping
  AUNode outNode;      // speakers

  AudioComponentDescription cd;
  cd.componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple;
  cd.componentFlags = 0;
  cd.componentFlagsMask = 0;

    Create a new audio graph using the reference parameter outGraph
    the rest of this code fills in details of outGraph
    because it's a non const reference parameter the newly created 
    outGraph will be available to the code that called CreateAUGraph()
  __Require_noErr(result = NewAUGraph(&outGraph), home);

    // use the Apple DLSSynth
  cd.componentType = kAudioUnitType_MusicDevice;
  cd.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_DLSSynth;

    // add the DLS synth to the audio graph
  __Require_noErr(result = AUGraphAddNode(outGraph, &cd, &synthNode), home);

      add a Peak Limiter effect to the graph
    audio signal data are called samples
    samples are floating point values from -1.0 to +1.0
    if any sample exceeds the range it can cause 
    pops, clicks, and harsh distortion in the output
  cd.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Effect;
  cd.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_PeakLimiter;

    // add the Peak Limiter effect to the audio graph
  __Require_noErr(result = AUGraphAddNode(outGraph, &cd, &limiterNode), home);

     The audio output device
     Default output is user OS preference setting for sound output
  cd.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Output;
  cd.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_DefaultOutput;
    // add the default sound output device audio graph
  __Require_noErr(result = AUGraphAddNode(outGraph, &cd, &outNode), home);

        Information for later 4.2 homework
    Notice the statements above are instructions to setup the audio graph
    They could be used in a class constructor
    The statements below could be class functions

  //  The AUGraphOpen(outGraph) could become a separate class function
  __Require_noErr(result = AUGraphOpen(outGraph), home);

    Describe signal flow through the audio graph
    The first line connects synthNode => limiterNode
    The second line connects limiterNode => outNode
  __Require_noErr(result = AUGraphConnectNodeInput(outGraph, synthNode, 0, limiterNode, 0), home);
  __Require_noErr(result = AUGraphConnectNodeInput(outGraph, limiterNode, 0, outNode, 0), home);

  // ok we're good to go - get the Synth Unit...
  __Require_noErr(result = AUGraphNodeInfo(outGraph, synthNode, 0, &outSynth), home);

// If __Require_noErr macro fails we go home.
  return result;


This output was displayed when you ran ./a.out

Member Nodes:
  node 1: 'aumu' 'dls ' 'appl', instance 0x842eb112 O I
  node 2: 'aufx' 'lmtr' 'appl', instance 0x842eb113 O I
  node 3: 'auou' 'def ' 'appl', instance 0x842eb114 O I
  node   1 bus   0 => node   2 bus   0  [ 2 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x00000029) 32-bit little-endian float, deinterleaved]
  node   2 bus   0 => node   3 bus   0  [ 2 ch,  44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x00000029) 32-bit little-endian float, deinterleaved]
  mLastUpdateError=0, eventsToProcess=F, isInitialized=T, isRunning=Fh

Member Nodes
Three AudioUnit types were created.

Node Bus Ref AUComponent.h const
1 0 'aumu' kAudioUnitType_MusicDevice
1 0 'dls ' kAudioUnitSubType_DLSSynth
1 0 'appl' kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
Node Bus Ref AUComponent.h const
2 0 'aufx' kAudioUnitType_Effect
2 0 'lmtr' kAudioUnitSubType_PeakLimiter
2 0 'appl' kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple
Node Bus Ref AUComponent.h const
3 0 'auou' kAudioUnitType_Output
3 0 'def ' kAudioUnitSubType_DefaultOutput
3 0 'appl' kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple

The term Bus refers to a feature found on studio mixers where a group of channels can be sent/bussed to one or more submixers.

Say the drums were recorded with five different microphones each going to a separate mixer input. Then those five channel strips could be be balanced independently and sent (bussed) to a drum bus. The drum bus would control the five balanced drum tracks with a single volume knob. In the playSoftMidi output nodes 1-3 are all sent to bus 0.

The output also shows that node1 is sent to node 2 and node 2 is sent to node 3. It's possible to add additional effects into the chain.


The MusicDeviceMIDIEvent(…)

The MusicDeviceMIDIEvent(…) function used in main() sends MIDI messages to the Apple MIDI Synth. You'll notice that it does not support timestamps. In playSoftMIDI code timing is handled using the microsleep system function usleep().

MusicDeviceMIDIEvent(…) is defined in <MusicDevice.h>. The code comments are written in a text markup language using Doxygen format. The Doxygen application produces code documentation for your code. Not covered in this course but Doxygen is used by many open source projects.

  @function MusicDeviceMIDIEvent
  @abstract Used to sent MIDI channel messages to an audio unit

  @discussion This is the API used to send MIDI channel messages to an audio unit. The status and data parameters
        are used exactly as described by the MIDI specification, including the combination of channel and
        command in the status byte.

  @param      inUnit
        The audio unit
  @param      inStatus
        The MIDI status byte
  @param      inData1
        The first MIDI data byte (value is in the range 0 < 128)
  @param      inData2
        The second MIDI data byte (value is in the range 0 < 128). If the MIDI status byte only has one
          data byte, this should be set to zero.
  @param      inOffsetSampleFrame
        If you are scheduling the MIDI Event from the audio unit's render thread, then you can supply a
          sample offset that the audio unit may apply when applying that event in its next audio unit render.
          This allows you to schedule to the sample, the time when a MIDI command is applied and is particularly
          important when starting new notes. If you are not scheduling in the audio unit's render thread,
          then you should set this value to 0

  @result     noErr, or an audio unit error code
extern OSStatus
MusicDeviceMIDIEvent( MusicDeviceComponent  inUnit,
            UInt32          inStatus,
            UInt32          inData1,
            UInt32          inData2,
            UInt32          inOffsetSampleFrame)        API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.0), ios(5.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0));

Change the playback insturment
Add this line immediately above the for loop comment in line 156 to change the instrument to Vibraphone.

__Require_noErr(result = MusicDeviceMIDIEvent(synthUnit, 0xC0, 11, 0, 0), home);

Build and run again You should hear the notes played on a Vibraphone.

You may have noticed that the one data byte message 0xC0 was followed by three numbers. Here's what Intellisense Peek Declaration has to say. It seems to be picking up the Doxygen comments in Apple's source code.

@param      inData2
        The second MIDI data byte (value is in the range 0 < 128). If the MIDI status byte only has one
          data byte, this should be set to zero.
  @param      inOffsetSampleFrame
        If you are scheduling the MIDI Event from the audio unit's render thread, then you can supply a
          sample offset that the audio unit may apply when applying that event in its next audio unit render.
          This allows you to schedule to the sample, the time when a MIDI command is applied and is particularly
          important when starting new notes. If you are not scheduling in the audio unit's render thread,
          then you should set this value to 0

vsCode Intellisense help

Hover the mouse over a term in the vsCode Window and a popup window will appear giving details about the term. In the following picture the term was kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple (line 66).


vsCode Peek Declaration

Right the same term and choose Peek/Peek Declaration and the file where that term is defined will open.


A panel will be superimposed over the code showing where the term was declared.


Close the panel with the Escape key.

Apple Audio Documentation

The playSoftMidi code we've been using supports Apple's Audio Unit v2. It may be that this code will not work in the future version of Apple Audio Unit v3 or a future version of Mac OS X. Apple has marked some include files we're using as "deprecated." It is unkwnon when Apple will remove support. The concepts you're learning in this course will be useful for whatever Apple decides to transition to. Apple seems more and more to be moving towards a closed environment merging Mac OS with IOS using their programming language Swift. There are 3rd party cross platform Audio/MIDI libraries available for Mac OS, Windows, and Linux. The two most notable cross platform libraries are PortAudio/PortMidi and RtAudi/RtMidi. We'll be using the cross platform RtMidi and RtAudio libraries in week 7. Here's some reference links.

Audio Unit Programming Guide
Core Audio Overview
Modernizing Your Audio App.pdf

MIDI and time

When the MIDI specification was created in 1983, the only mention time related to the serial data transmission rate of 31250 bits per second. In 1983 a fast computer ran at 2 MHz. The MIDI transmission rate is 1/64 of 2 MHz. The specification also included a schematic of the electronic circuit necessary to send and receive messages as well as the digital format of those message types. It did not specify when to send the messages. That was left that to the programmer. It wasn't until 1990 when the Standard MIDI File (SMF) specification was published that the concept of musical time appeared. The term delta time was used to refer to the time between MIDI events and was encoded into the SMF as a PPQ (Parts Per Quarter note) value that remained independent of the tempo.

Timestamp types
MIDI timestamps in commercial software are stored as integer milliseconds or microseconds, or floating point seconds. Three timestamp formats are commonly used for MIDI events.

  • Chronological
  • Delta or difference
  • PPQ or Parts Per Quarter note

Here are three examples that would sound the same in each of the three timestamp formats.

Chronological timestamps
This is the MIDIDisplay format we've been using. The first time starts at zero, the millisecond clock is started and each event is scheduled to play when the clock reaches a specified time.

Time Message Process
0 NON Start the clock, send message, check time
200 NOF if ( clock >= 200 ) send message
250 NON if ( clock >= 250 ) send message
450 NOF if ( clock >= 450 ) send message

Difference timestamps (delta times)
The time difference between the current timestamp and the previous timestamp.

timestamp[0] = vec[0].timestamp
timestamp[n] = vec[n].timestamp - vec[n-1].timestamp

MIDI send procedures are usually implemented using difference timestamps.

Scheduling MIDI messages

Two basic methods for scheduling timestamp messages are Wall Clock Time and Alarm Clock Time.
I just made up those terms.

Wall Clock Time
Here's a recipe for wall clock scheduling.

get the timestamp
check the clock
while timestamp < clock wait around
keep watching the clock
when the timestamp > clock send the message immediately.
Do not check timestamp == clock because the clock can be off by 1-5 milliseconds.

Alamrm Clock Time
Here's a recipe for alarm clock scheduling.

timestamp[n-1] has just been sent
get the timestamp[n]
calculate the wait time
waitTm = timestamp[n] - timestamp[n-1] milliseconds.
delay for waitTm
send the message

Changing Tempo

Tempo conversion formula
All CMidiPacket timestamps are stored at a tempo of 60bpm (beats per minute) where one beat = 1000ms = 1second. The formula converting a time based on 60 bpm is given by

\(newTm = tm60bpm * \frac{60}{tempo}\)

Problems with chronological timestamp tempo changes
As long as the tempo never changes you can play a song at any tempo by recalculating the timestamps. The problem happens when you want to change the tempo in the middle of the song. The tempo formula will either cause the timestamps to go backwards in time or jump ahead to the future.

Tempo original at 60 bmp after tempo change problems
60 0 0  
  1000 1000  
  2000 2000  
120 3000 1500 backwards
  4000 2000  
  5000 2500  
60 6000 6000 jump
  7000 7000  
  8000 8000  

Delta times make tempo changes easy

\(newDelta = deltaAt60 * \frac{60}{tempo}\)

Using timestamp differences and the tempo formula lets you to change the tempo at any time during playback. It's only the delta time that changes.

Tempo original at 60 bmp deltaTime deltaTime after change
60 0 0 0
  1000 1000 1000
  2000 1000 1000
120 3000 1000 500
  4000 1000 500
  5000 1000 500
60 6000 1000 1000
  7000 1000 1000
  8000 1000 1000

You'll use the hw421_CTimerMs delay() function to schedule packets.

4.2 Homework


The idea for the CDelayMs class came from code found in TCCP section 15.6, page 200. That code was also used in class 2.3 in the c23_simple_delay.cpp example. In hw421 we'll convert it to a class and copy the files to the common folder. It will replace the usleep() function found in playSoftMIDI.


cd $HOME312/cs312/hw42
mkdir hw421_CDelayMs
cd hw421_CDelayMs
mkdir build
touch CMakeLists.txt
touch CDelayMs.h
touch CDelayMs.cpp
touch hw421_main.cpp

Open the hw421_CDelayMs folder in vsCode

Copy this code into the appropriate files.


// hw421_CDelayMs.h
#ifndef HW421_CDELAY_MS_H_
#define HW421_CDELAY_MS_H_

#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>

// idea from Stroustroup "A Tour of C++ 2nd Edition" page 200.

class CDelayMs
  uint32_t delay_;
  bool print_;

  std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> t0;
  std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> t1;

  void milli_time();
  void delay();

  static uint32_t s_tempo;

  CDelayMs(uint32_t ms, bool print = false);
  virtual ~CDelayMs();

#endif // HW421_CDELAY_MS_H_


// hw421_CDelayMs.cpp
#ifndef HW421_CDELAY_MS_H_
#include "hw421_CDelayMs.h"

uint32_t CDelayMs::s_tempo = 60;

void CDelayMs::milli_time()
  t1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
  std::cout << "# ms:\t\t\t\t";
  std::cout << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(t1 - t0).count() << '\n';

void CDelayMs::delay()
  uint32_t dly = delay_ * 60 / s_tempo;

CDelayMs::CDelayMs(uint32_t ms, bool print) : delay_{ms}, print_{print}
  t0 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();

  if (print_)


// hw421_main.cpp
#ifndef HW421_CDELAY_MS_H_
#include "hw421_CDelayMs.h"

#include "hw332_CMidiPacket.h"


#include <vector>

using namespace CMP33;

std::vector<CMidiPacket> vplay;

void stuffMidiPackets()
  // we're going to play an octave of MIDI notes: one a second
  // every NOF and next NON come at intervals of 1000ms
  uint32_t tm{0};
  uint32_t beat_length{0};

  for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
    // Note Ons
    beat_length = 1000;
    if (i > 3 && i < 8)
      beat_length = 500;
    else if (i > 10)
      beat_length = 2000;

    CMidiPacket mp(tm, 0x90, 60 + i, 127);

    // Note Offs
    tm += beat_length;
    mp.set_timestamp(tm); // 0 NOF 1000 NOF 2000 NOF etc

// Instead of playing sound which you'll do later in hw42
// here we're just sending packets to std::cout using timestamp delays
void send(const CMidiPacket &mp)
  // a static variable maintains its value between function calls
  // it's needed for calculating the difference between timestamp [n] and [n-1]
  static uint32_t prevTm{0};

  // calculate delay
  uint32_t ms_delay = mp.get_timestamp() - prevTm;
  prevTm = mp.get_timestamp(); // reset prevTm for next fn call

  // create timer delay and send the packet
  CDelayMs timer(ms_delay, true); // true = print time in ms
  std::cout << mp;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  for (auto itr : vplay)


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
set(APPNAME "c421_playMIDI")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++17 -Wall ")


add_executable(${APPNAME} ${SOURCE_FILES})

# add framework libraries to your project.
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE "-framework CoreServices")
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE  "-framework AudioUnit")
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE  "-framework AudioToolbox")

compile and run

The output shown is in milliseconds and is slightly different on every run but is generally within 0-5 milliseconds.

[100%] Built target hw421_delayTest
0       90      60      127
# ms:                           0
1000    90      60      0
# ms:                           1000
1000    90      61      127
# ms:                           0
2000    90      61      0
# ms:                           1003
2000    90      62      127
# ms:                           0
3000    90      62      0
# ms:                           1005
3000    90      63      127
# ms:                           0
4000    90      63      0
# ms:                           1004
4000    90      64      127
# ms:                           0
4500    90      64      0
# ms:                           501
4500    90      65      127
# ms:                           0
5000    90      65      0
# ms:                           502
5000    90      66      127
# ms:                           0
5500    90      66      0
# ms:                           501
5500    90      67      127
# ms:                           0
6000    90      67      0
# ms:                           500
6000    90      68      127
# ms:                           0
7000    90      68      0
# ms:                           1003
7000    90      69      127
# ms:                           0
8000    90      69      0
# ms:                           1003
8000    90      70      127
# ms:                           0
9000    90      70      0
# ms:                           1001
9000    90      71      127
# ms:                           0
11000   90      71      0
# ms:                           2003
11000   90      72      127
# ms:                           0
13000   90      72      0
# ms:                           2001

Assignment 421

The solutions to hw421_CDelayMs were accidentally put on the class web page during class. I've updated the code slightly but it should build and run the way it is. Your assignment is to build and run it using cmake. Then copy the hw421_CDelayMs.h and hw421_CDelayMs.cpp files to the common folder so they will be available for future assignments.

Automatic grade of 100 if these files are in your course common folder. A freebee.

  1. Copy hw421_CDelayMs.h to $HOME/312/common
  2. Copy hw421_CDelayMs.cpp to $HOME/312/common


Setup Execute these commands.

cd $HOME312/cs312/hw42
mkdir hw422_CAppleMidiSynth
cd hw422_CAppleMidiSynth
mkdir build
touch CMakeLists.txt
touch hw422_CAppleMidiSynth.h
touch hw422_CAppleMidiSynth.cpp
touch hw422_main.cpp

You'll also need these these files present in your common folder

  • hw332_CMidiPacket
  • hw421_CDelayMs

Copy this code into their appropriate files.


// hw422_CAppleMidiSynth.h

#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h> //for file stuff
#include <AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h>
#include <AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h> //for AUGraph

#ifndef HW332_CMIDIPACKET_H_
#include "hw332_CMidiPacket.h"

#include <vector>


using namespace CMP33;

class CAppleMidiSynth
  virtual ~CAppleMidiSynth();
  CAppleMidiSynth(const CAppleMidiSynth &) = default;
  CAppleMidiSynth(CAppleMidiSynth &&) = default;
  CAppleMidiSynth &operator=(const CAppleMidiSynth &) = default;
  CAppleMidiSynth &operator=(CAppleMidiSynth &&) = default;

  // three overridden send methods
  void send(uint32_t waitTm, uint8_t st, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2);
  void send(const CMidiPacket &mp);
  void send(const std::vector<CMidiPacket> &vmp);

  AUGraph outGraph;
  AudioUnit outSynth;


You need to finish.

// hw422_CAppleMidiSynth.cpp
#include "hw422_CAppleMidiSynth.h"

#ifndef HW421_CDELAYMS_H_
#include "hw421_CDelayMs.h"

// #include <AssertMacros.h>

  // taken from c411_PlaySoftMIDI

  /*=============== From CreateAUGraph() =============== 
  Copy/paste everything from:

  OSStatus result;
  // ok we're good to go - get the Synth Unit...
  __Require_noErr(result = AUGraphNodeInfo(outGraph, synthNode, 0, &outSynth), home);

  /*=============== From main() =============== 
  // ok we're set up to go - initialize and start the outGraph
  __Require_noErr(result = AUGraphInitialize(outGraph), home);

    CAShow(outGraph); // prints out the outGraph so we can see what it looks like...

  __Require_noErr(result = AUGraphStart(outGraph), home);

  /*================= JE modification ===================
  if (result == noErr)
    std::cout << "CAppleMidiSynth() success\n";
    std::cout << "Failed to construct CAppleMidiSynth()\n";

  if (outGraph)
    // Stop and Dispose AUGraph

void CAppleMidiSynth::send(uint32_t waitTm, uint8_t st, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2)
  // Called by the next two functions
  // waitTm is calculated by them
  CDelayMs d(waitTm, false);
  MusicDeviceMIDIEvent(outSynth, st, d1, d2, 0);

void CAppleMidiSynth::send(const CMidiPacket &mp)
  // You know now_time and previous_time
  // Difference is wait time
  // call CAppleMidiSynth::send(uint32_t waitTm, uint8_t st, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2)
  // update previous_time

void CAppleMidiSynth::send(const std::vector<CMidiPacket> &vmp)
  // figure it out

You need to finish.

// hw422_main.cpp
#include "hw422_CAppleMidiSynth.h"

#ifndef HW332_CMIDIPACKET_H_
#include "hw332_CMidiPacket.h"

#ifndef HW421_CDELAY_MS_H_
#include "hw421_CDelayMs.h"

#include <vector>

// Do not modify stuffPackets
void stuffPackets(std::vector<CMidiPacket> &v)
  // brute force
  CMidiPacket mp = {0, 0x90, 60, 100}; //C
  v.push_back(mp);                     //NON
  mp.set_timestamp(mp.get_timestamp() + 1000);
  v.push_back(mp); //NOF

  mp = {1000, 0x90, 62, 100}; //D
  v.push_back(mp);            //NON
  mp.set_timestamp(mp.get_timestamp() + 1000);
  v.push_back(mp); //NOF

  mp = {2000, 0x90, 64, 100}; //E
  v.push_back(mp);            //NON
  mp.set_timestamp(mp.get_timestamp() + 1000);
  v.push_back(mp); //NOF

  mp = {3000, 0x90, 65, 100}; //F
  v.push_back(mp);            //NON
  mp.set_timestamp(mp.get_timestamp() + 1000);
  v.push_back(mp); //NOF

  mp = {4000, 0x90, 67, 100}; //G
  v.push_back(mp);            //NON
  mp.set_timestamp(mp.get_timestamp() + 1000);
  v.push_back(mp); //NOF

  mp = {5000, 0x90, 69, 100}; //A
  v.push_back(mp);            //NON
  mp.set_timestamp(mp.get_timestamp() + 1000);
  v.push_back(mp); //NOF

  mp = {6000, 0x90, 71, 100}; //B
  v.push_back(mp);            //NON
  mp.set_timestamp(mp.get_timestamp() + 1000);
  v.push_back(mp); //NOF

  mp = {7000, 0x90, 72, 100}; //C
  v.push_back(mp);            //NON
  mp.set_timestamp(mp.get_timestamp() + 1000);
  v.push_back(mp); //NOF
// end Do not modify stuffPackets

int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
  // main expects exactly one parameter for tempo
     display usage message 
     "Usage:\n\thw422_cams <tempo>\n"
      exit not exactly one parameter

     set CDelayMs::s_tempo to argv[1]
     display error message if tempo range is outside 20-300
     exit if tempo is too low or too high

  // stuff packets
  std::vector<CMidiPacket> vplay;

  // play using CAppleMidiSynth
  CAppleMidiSynth ams;

  return 0;


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
set(APPNAME "amsTest")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++17 -Wall ")

# JE sets FOR_CLASS to 0
# YOU set FOR_CLASS to 1
set(FOR_CLASS 0)
  set( HOME "/Volumes/cs312-00-w20/StuWork/<your_email_name>" )
elseif(NOT ${FOR_CLASS})
  set( HOME "/Users/je/cs312/_cs312")
set(COMMON "${HOME}/common")


add_executable(${APPNAME} ${SOURCE_FILES})

target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE "-framework CoreServices")
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE  "-framework AudioUnit")
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE  "-framework AudioToolbox")

Build and run using cmake

cmake .. && make && ./amsTest #ams AppleMIDISynth

Assignment 422

Implement the missing code. Build and run using cmake. It's working when you hear the C Major scale.

  1. Copy hw422_CAppleMidiSynth.h to $HOME/312/common
  2. Copy hw422_CAppleMidiSynth.cpp to $HOME/312/common

Hw423 and future assignmentes will use them.


This project uses everything we've covered so far.

Feb 2, 2020 important changes added for using class CMidiTrack

hw423_CScalesTrio was not working with hw413_CMidiTrack
Code 413 wrote to std::cout in order create a CMidiPacket list that could be copied and pasted into MIDIDisplay_DLS.
Code 413 used these functions to write to std::cout

  • send_non
  • send_nof
  • send_patch
  • send_volume
  • send_pan
  • send_expression

Code 423 needs to write to std::vector<CMidiPacket> vtrk defined as a public member variable in CMidiTrack.
Code 423 changed send_name to push_name in order to make it clear that your stuffing the vector vtrk

  • push_non
  • push_nof
  • push_patch
  • push_volume
  • push_pan
  • push_expression

This is the original setup script. It should still be valid if you've already started work on hw423_CScalesTrio.

cd $HOME312/cs312/hw42
mkdir hw423_CScalesTrio && cd hw423_CScalesTrio
# CMake stuff
touch CMakeLists.txt
mkdir build

touch hw423_CAltoTrack.cpp
touch hw423_CAltoTrack.h
touch hw423_CBassTrack.cpp
touch hw423_CBassTrack.h
touch hw423_CSopranoTrack.cpp
touch hw423_CSopranoTrack.h
touch hw423_main.cpp

cp $HOME312/cs312/hw41/hw413_CScalesTrack/hw413_CScalesTrack.h ./hw423_CScalesTrack.h
cp $HOME312/cs312/hw41/hw413_CScalesTrack/hw413_CScalesTrack.cpp ./hw423_CScalesTrack.cpp
sed -i '' s/HW413_CSCALESTRACK_H_/HW423_CSCALESTRACK_H_/g ./hw423_CScalesTrack.h
sed -i '' 's/hw413_CScalesTrack.h/hw423_CScalesTrack.h/g' ./hw423_CScalesTrack.h
sed -i '' s/HW413_CSCALESTRACK_H_/HW423_CSCALESTRACK_H_/g ./hw423_CScalesTrack.cpp
sed -i '' 's/hw413_CScalesTrack.h/hw423_CScalesTrack.h/g' ./hw423_CScalesTrack.cpp

Execute these commands to create hw423_CMidiTrack

########## NEW 2/2/2020
cd $HOME312/common
cp hw413_CMidiTrack.cpp hw423_CMidiTrack.cpp
cp hw413_CMidiTrack.h hw423_CMidiTrack.h

# change includes and header guards
sed -i '' s/HW413_/HW423_/g hw423_CMidiTrack.*
sed -i '' s/hw413_/hw423_/g hw423_CMidiTrack.*

# change send_name to push_name
sed -i '' s/send_non/push_non/g hw423_CMidiTrack.*
sed -i '' s/send_nof/push_nof/g hw423_CMidiTrack.*
sed -i '' s/send_patch/push_patch/g hw423_CMidiTrack.*
sed -i '' s/send_volume/push_volume/g hw423_CMidiTrack.*
sed -i '' s/send_pan/push_pan/g hw423_CMidiTrack.*
sed -i '' s/send_expression/push_expression/g hw423_CMidiTrack.*
############ END NEW

If you've already started hw423_CScalesTrack you'll need go through the include sections of every file and make these changes.

#ifndef HW413_CMIDITRACK_H_
#include "hw413_CMidiTrack.h"


#ifndef HW423_CMIDITRACK_H_
#include "hw423_CMidiTrack.h"

You'll also have to rename the send_non() and other similar functions that begin with send_ to push_.
The compiler will catch these errors once you've made the include changes.

If you haven't started work on hw423_CScalesTrio the changes have already been made in the following files.

CScalesTrack modifications
Feb 2, 2020 changes added. Now uses hw423_CMidiTrack.h

Add this code after the end of the SCALE NOTES section and just above the closing #endif statement

// hw423_CScalesTrack.h

#ifndef HW423_CMIDITRACK_H_
#include "hw423_CMidiTrack.h"


class CScalesTrack : public CMidiTrack
  std::vector<int> vscale;
  std::vector<int> vrhythm;

  CScalesTrack(uint32_t beginTime, uint32_t endTime, uint8_t noteoffset, uint8_t channel,
               uint8_t patch, uint8_t volume, uint8_t pan);

  int get_note(); // choose a random scale note
  void write_scales_track();
  virtual void write_track(); // must define it was declared pure virtual in CMidiTrack

// See class web page for more information
// You can add your own to the list.
// clang-format off
const std::vector<int> vmajor_pentatonic{0, 2, 4, 7, 9, 12};        // Major pentatonic
const std::vector<int> vminor_pentatonic{0, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12};       // Minor pentatonic
const std::vector<int> vragtime{0, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 12};              // Ragtime scale
const std::vector<int> vrock_blues{0, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12};          // Rock blues Scales
const std::vector<int> vminor_blues{0, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12};         // Minor blues Scales
const std::vector<int> v6note_blues{0, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12};         // 6 note blues Scales
const std::vector<int> v7note_blues{0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12};      // 7 note blues Scales
const std::vector<int> vmideast{0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12};          // Middle Eastern scale
const std::vector<int> vjapanese{0, 1, 5, 7, 8, 12};                // Japanese scale
const std::vector<int> voctotonic{0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12};     // Octotonic jazz scale half step, whole step
const std::vector<int> vwholetone{0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12};           // Whole tone, whole step, whole step
const std::vector<int> vflamenco{0, 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12};          // Flamenco
const std::vector<int> vphrygian_dominant{0, 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12}; // Phrygian dominant
// clang-format ON

////// JE ADDED for hw423
duration values are expressed in milliseconds with a
quarter note = 1000 at a tempo of 60 beats per minute.
const std::vector<int> vrhythm0 = {500, 250, 250, 500}; // the original hw423_CScalesTrack pattern
// je additional patterns
const std::vector<int> vrhythm1 = {250, 250, 500};
const std::vector<int> vrhythm2 = {500, 500};
const std::vector<int> vrhythm3 = {250, 500, 1000};
const std::vector<int> vrhythm4 = {125, 250, 500, 1000};
const std::vector<int> vrhythm5 = {333, 667, 1000};
const std::vector<int> vrhythm6 = {333, 333, 334, 667};
const std::vector<int> vrhythm7 = {333, 333, 333, 333, 667, 667, 1000};

#endif // HW423_CSCALESTRACK_H_

Setup copied the latest version of hw413_CScalesTrack.cpp in your cs312/hw41 folder. If you've been working outside this folder you'll have to update hw413_CScalesTrack.cpp with your latest changes.

Copy this code to the appropriate files.
Feb 2, 2020 changes added. Now uses hw423_CMidiTrack.h


#ifndef HW423_CMIDITRACK_H_
#include "hw423_CMidiTrack.h"

#include "hw423_CScalesTrack.h"

class CSopranoTrack : public CScalesTrack
    CSopranoTrack(uint32_t beginTime, uint32_t endTime, uint8_t noteoffset, uint8_t channel,
                  uint8_t patch, uint8_t volume, uint8_t pan);
    void write_track() override;
#endif // HW423_CSopranoTrack_H

Feb 2, 2020 changes added. Now uses hw423_CMidiTrack.h

// hw423_CAltoTrack.h
#ifndef HW423_CALTOTRACK_H_
#define HW423_CALTOTRACK_H_

#ifndef HW423_CMIDITRACK_H_
#include "hw423_CMidiTrack.h"

#include "hw423_CScalesTrack.h"

class CAltoTrack : public CScalesTrack
    CAltoTrack(uint32_t begintime, uint32_t endTime, uint8_t noteoffset, uint8_t channel,
               uint8_t patch, uint8_t volume, uint8_t pan);
    void write_track() override;
#endif // HW423_CALTOTRACK_H_

Feb 2, 2020 changes added. Now uses hw423_CMidiTrack.h

// hw423_CBassTrack.h
#ifndef HW423_CBASSTRACK_H
#define HW423_CBASSTRACK_H

#ifndef HW423_CMIDITRACK_H_
#include "hw423_CMidiTrack.h"

#include "hw423_CScalesTrack.h"

class CBassTrack : public CScalesTrack
    CBassTrack(uint32_t begintime, uint32_t endTime, uint8_t noteoffset, uint8_t channel,
               uint8_t patch, uint8_t volume, uint8_t pan);
    void write_track() override;
#endif // CBASSTRACK_H

Your job. Kinda like this.

#include "hw423_CSopranoTrack.h"

// The random functions have been moved to a utility unit.
#ifndef HW411_RAND_INT_H_
#include "hw411_rand_int.h"

CSopranoTrack::CSopranoTrack(uint32_t beginTime, uint32_t endTime, uint8_t noteoffset, uint8_t channel,
                             uint8_t patch, uint8_t volume, uint8_t pan)
    : CScalesTrack(beginTime, endTime, noteoffset, channel, patch, volume, pan)

void CSopranoTrack::write_track()
  // set the patch, volume, and pan
  // Note that it's calling the write_track() function in the parent class

  // fill the CMidiPacket vector vtrk that was inherited from CMidiTrack class
  // should be similare to what you did for hw413_CScalesTrack

Your job.

Your job.

Pseudo code

#ifndef XXX_H_
#include "necessary.h"

int main()
  // declare soprano track parameters
  //   uint16_t beginTime = ;
  //   uint16_t startNote = ;
  //   uint16_t chan = ;
  //   uint16_t patch = ;
  //   uint16_t vol = ;
  //   uint16_t pan = ;
  // Create the soprano track
  CSopranoTrack sop_trk(beginTime, endtime, startNote, chan, patch, vol, pan);

  // declare alto track parameters that are different from soprano
  //   beginTime = ;
  //   startNote = ;
  //   chan = ;
  //   patch = ;
  //   vol = ;
  //   pan = ;
  // Create alto track
  CAltoTrack alto_trk(beginTime, endtime, startNote, chan, patch, vol, pan);

  // declare bass track parameters that are different from soprano
  //   beginTime = ;
  //   startNote = ;
  //   chan = ;
  //   patch = ;
  //   vol = ;
  //   pan = ;
  // Create bass track
  CBassTrack bass_trk(beginTime, endtime, startNote, chan, patch, vol, pan);

  // set the scale and rhythm duration pattern for each track
  // you can choose from the patterns in hw423_CScalesTrack or create your own
  //   sop_trk.vscale = ;
  //   sop_trk.vrhythm = ;
  //   alto_trk.vscale = ;
  //   alto_trk.vrhythm = ;
  //   bass_trk.vscale = ;
  //   bass_trk.vrhythm = };

  // Write the three tracks

  // create the playback vector vplay
  // use std::copy for sop_trk, alto_trk, bass_trk with td::back_inserter(vplay)

  // vector vplay now holds all elements of sop, alto, bass vectors
  // sort vplay vector
  // it will use your operator< (less) routine

  // Set the playback tempo
  // This is the variable you use
  // The number (120) is passed in from the command line
  CDelayMs::s_tempo = 120;

  // create the CAppleMidiSynth object
  CAppleMidiSynth ams;
  for (auto itr : vplay)
    std::cout << itr; // send CMidiPackets to cout while playing
    ams.send(itr);    // play the CMidiPacket

Your job.

Assignment 423

Requirements for hw423

  • Must use the new hw423_CMidiTrack.cpp and hw423_CMidiTrack.h files in the common folder.
  • Build and compile with cmake.
  • All NON's must be matched with a NOF so there are no "stuck" notes.
  • Three tracks, soprano, alto, bass
  • Each track must be on a different MIDI channel.
  • Each track must be assigned a different instrument (patch change).
  • One track must be panned left (Control change 0xBn, 10, 0=left).
  • One track must be panned center (Control change 0xBn, 10, 64=center).
  • One track must be panned right (Control change 0xBn, 10, 127=right).
  • You may set the relative volumes of each track at startup (Control change 0xBn, 7, 0-127).
  • Each track must use a different pitch range (scale note offset for Soprano, Alto, Bass).
  • Each track may use the same or different scale. You can make up your own scales.
  • Each track may use different beat patterns. You can make up your own beat patterns.
  • Each track should end at roughly the same time around timestamp 64000.
  • Each track starts at a different time 0, 8000, and 16000.
  • You must have exactly one command line option to set the starting tempo.
  • You have the option of changing or not changing the tempo in the software.
  • The song must playback using CAppleMidiSynth.
  • You must be happy with the results.
  • "If it sounds good, it IS good."

Experiment with scales and rhythm patterns. Copy your favorite pattern to a file named "hw423_fave.txt" and include it as part of the handout.

Files needed
Feb 2, 2020 changes added. Now uses hw423_CMidiTrack.h

├── hw332_CMidiPacket.cpp
├── hw332_CMidiPacket.h
├── hw411_rand_int.cpp
├── hw411_rand_int.h
├── hw421_CDelayMs.cpp
├── hw421_CDelayMs.h
├── hw422_CAppleMidiSynth.cpp
├── hw422_CAppleMidiSynth.h
├── hw423_CMidiTrack.cpp
└── hw423_CMidiTrack.h

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── build
├── hw423_CAltoTrack.cpp
├── hw423_CAltoTrack.h       # subclass of CScalesTrack
├── hw423_CBassTrack.cpp
├── hw423_CBassTrack.h       # subclass of CScalesTrack
├── hw423_CScalesTrack.cpp   # minor modification of hw413
├── hw423_CScalesTrack.h     # minor modification of hw413
├── hw423_CSopranoTrack.cpp
├── hw423_CSopranoTrack.h    # subclass of CScalesTrac
└── hw423_main.cpp

Submission Format

Feel free to email /jellinge@carleton.edu/ on any part of the homework that is unclear to you. Chances are if you have questions other students do too. I will answer those questions by email to everyone in the class. The original sender will remain anonymous. I have tried to provide clues to the homework in the web pages, reading assignments, and labs. Sometimes what seems obvious to me is not obvious to students just learning C++.

Create a folder named */hwNN_LastnameFirstname1_LastnameFirstname2/*. \\
Substitute your name and your partner's name for LastnameFirstname1_LastnameFirstname2.

- Boilerplate header at top of every file.
- Make sure your program compiles before submitting. \\
- Programs that compile and produce partially correct output will be graded. \\
- You can send notes to me in your homework files by enclosing them in block comments.\\
- Programs that do not compile get an automatic F (59%).
- Each partner must submit identical homework folders to the course Hand-in folder. \\
- If only one partner submits the homework send me an email explaining why.
- Empty your /build/ or /build-debug/ folders using the command /emptyBuildFolder.sh/
- Only include .h, .cpp, Makefiles, CMakeLists.txt
- Do not include these folders/files \\
  .git \\
  .vscode \\
- Double check for the above two folders using this command \\
  #+begin_src sh
ls -a hwNN_LastnameFirstname1_LastnameFirstname2
# if either .git or .vscode exist in the folder you're submitting remove them with
# rm -fR .git
# rm -fR .vscode

Feb 2, 2020 changes added. Now uses hw423_CMidiTrack.h

├── hw332_CMidiPacket.cpp
├── hw332_CMidiPacket.h
├── hw411_rand_int.cpp
├── hw411_rand_int.h
├── hw421_CDelayMs.cpp
├── hw421_CDelayMs.h
├── hw422_CAppleMidiSynth.cpp
├── hw422_CAppleMidiSynth.h
├── hw423_CMidiTrack.cpp
└── hw423_CMidiTrack.h

├── hw421_CDelayMs
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   ├── build
│   ├── hw421_CDelayMs.cpp
│   ├── hw421_CDelayMs.h
│   └── hw421_main.cpp
├── hw422_CAppleMidiSynth
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   ├── build
│   ├── hw422_CAppleMidiSynth.cpp
│   ├── hw422_CAppleMidiSynth.h
│   └── hw422_main.cpp
└── hw423_CScalesTrio
    ├── hw423_fave.txt
    ├── CMakeLists.txt
    ├── build
    ├── hw423_CAltoTrack.cpp
    ├── hw423_CAltoTrack.h
    ├── hw423_CBassTrack.cpp
    ├── hw423_CBassTrack.h
    ├── hw423_CScalesTrack.cpp
    ├── hw423_CScalesTrack.h
    ├── hw423_CSopranoTrack.cpp
    ├── hw423_CSopranoTrack.h
    └── hw423_main.cpp

Author: John Ellinger

Created: 2020-02-01 Sat 10:08
