Spring Creek Water

Northfield, MN


This study focuses on one of the minor watersheds in Northeastern Rice County, the Spring Creek watershed, which flows into the Cannon River in the city of Northfield, MN.  It is only one example of the surface water in Rice County, but the health and properties of this stream directly impacts the groundwater of the area and the drinking water of the city of Northfield.

Our study aims to provide a framework for a system of monitoring the levels of dissolved oxygen, temperature, conductivity, salinity and nitrate along Spring Creek. We hope to implement continuous monitoring of the creek along with analysis to determine the health of Spring Creek over time as one of the vital sources for the recharging of the aquifer.


Purpose of Study:

Study Conducted By:

Introduction to Geology, Carleton College, Fall 2010

Becca Kilman, Claire Bosworth, Margaret Kutcher