- Pyroxenes -

Aegerine-augite with Flourite (Under Plane Polars)

Aegerine-augite with Flourite (Under Cross Polars)

Aegerine-augite (Under Plane Polars)

Aegerine-augite (Under Cross Polars)

Titanian Augite (Under Plane Polars)

Titanian Augite (Under Cross Polars)

Pyroxene (Under Plane Polars)

Pyroxene (Under Cross Polars)

More Pyroxene (Under Plane Polars)

More Pyroxene (Under Cross Polars)

Pyroxene (Under Cross Polars)

Zoned Clinopyroxene (Under Cross Polars)

More Zoned Clinopyroxene (Under Cross Polars)

More Zoned Clinopyroxene (Under Cross Polars)