i. Using the oriented muscovite slides, estimate the 2v for each of this mineral.
Also, obtain a thin piece of muscovite from your T.A. and determine the 2V for
Are your values close to the values in the books? Your estimation should be
within ± 5 to ± 10 degrees. If they are not, you should practice
a little more on the 2V scale slide.
ii. Using the oriented aragonaite slides BH-250-39, estimate the 2v for each
of this mineral Are your values close to the values in the books? Your estimation
should be within ± 5 to ± 10 degrees. If they are not, you should
practice a little more on the 2V scale slide.
iii. Find a biotite grain that yields a Bxa figure (ask your T. A. to show you
this mineral) or use a thin piece of biotite and obtain a figure. What is the
2V of biotite?