I. Parts of the Microscope (see
figure 1)
A. Substage Assemblage
1. Light Source
2. Diaphragm
3. Condenser Lens
4. Polarizer or Lower Nicol
B. Upper Stage Assemblages
5. Stage
6 Objectives Lenses
7. Analyzer or Upper Nicol or Upper Polarizer
8. Bertrand Lens
9. Accessory Plates (e.g., gypsum plate, mica plate, and quartz (1,2,3,4,5,6) wedge)
10. Oculars
** Other Stuff
A. Cost and Use of Equipment
1. Carry the microscope by base and main spine.
2. Move objectives by knurled ring, NOT BY LENS.
3. Don't pull bulb out while lit.
4. Remember these microscope belong to all of us and we should take good care of them
B. Adjustments
1. Center the stage with respect to the objectives.
2. Focus cross hairs on ocular.
3. Cross the nicols to test polarization.
figure 1