September 12 |
Introduction |
September 14 |
Major features of the Continents and Ocean Floor, Chapter
2 |
September 16 |
Global tectonics, Chapter 17 |
September 19 |
Plate tectonics: A new Paradigm, Chapter 17 |
September 21 |
Hot spots and absolute motions, Chapter 17 |
September 23 |
Plate Tectonics: Continental Crust & Mountain Building,
Chapter 17 |
September 26 |
Volcanism, Chapter 4 |
September 28 |
Earthquakes and the Earth's interior, Chapter 16 |
September 30 |
Earthquakes Conti., Chapter 16 |
October 3 |
Folds, Faults and Mountains, Chapter 15 |
October 5 |
Time to catch up |
October 7 |
Geologic time, Chapter 8 |
October 10 |
History of life Current perspectives in Geology |
October 12 |
History of Life 2000 Edition, part 6, page 173-220 |
October 14 |
Midterm 1 hour exam |
October 17 |
Midterm break |
October 19 |
No class |
October 21 |
Overview of the second half of the course |
October 24 |
Weathering, Chapter 5, Mass movement, River Systems,
Chapter 9 |