
All laboratories will meet in Mudd 66.

Lab # Date Activity Location Reading
Lab 1 September 12/13 Rocks and Minerals Little Chicago Chapter 3, 4, 5, 6
Lab 2 September 19/20 Rocks and Minerals continued Mudd 66 Chapter 3, 6, and 7
Lab 3 SEPTEMBER 25 (SUNDAY) Geology of Southern Minnesota Taylor's falls Handout and chapter 8
Lab 4 September 26/27 Geology of Southwestern Minnesota Sogn and Wangs Corner Chapter 6
Lab 5 October 3/4 Geology of Southwestern Minnesota Cannon River Wilderness Park Chapter 6 and hand out
Lab 6 October 10/11 Geology of Southwestern Minnesota Red Wing Chapter 6 and hand out
Lab 7 October 17/18/19 Geology of Utah Salt Lake City Hand out
Lab 8 October 24/25 Soil mapping Local Hand out
Lab 9 October 31 and November 1 Chemsitry of lakes and streams Near by lakes and Streams Hand out
Lab 10 November 7/8 Interpretation of maps
Mudd 66 Hand out
Lab 11 November 14/15 Final projects
Mudd 66  


SEPTEMBER 25 (SUNDAY) Field trip to Taylor's falls, breakfast @7:00 AM and Leave @ 7:30 Am return to Northfield at 4:30


Midterm break, no lab this week, but there will be geology field trip to Salt Lake City, Utah. Everyone is invited. Register early with Tim Vick. You are going to learn a lot and have a great time with many geology students and faculty. Registartion is first come first serve.


Bed Rock Geology of Minnesota

This simplified geologic map shows the general distribution of rock types underlying Minnesota's landscape. Some of the rocks are 3.6 billion years old- the oldest found so far in the United States. The map is modified from Morey, G.B., compiler, 1996, Geologic map of Minnesota, bedrock geology: MGS state Map Series S-20, scale 1:1,000,000. Digital compilation by R.G. Tipping and B.A. Lusardi.