Spring 2003 Research Projects


Wolf Creek - "A Study of the Chemical and Physical Properties of Wolf Creek at Five Different Locations" by Amanda

Dowell, Dan Pulver, Kayeen Thomas, Samantha Greenwald

Cannon River - "Cannon River Study" by Nat Beebe, Kirstin Duffin, Anna Layman, Emily Schwing

Far Lakes - "Water Quality of Five Rice County Lakes" by Walker DePuy, Nadia Elnagdy, Ann Leach, Dan Shinn-Krantz

Tiles - "Tiles: Impact on Streams" by Carolynn Johnson, Heather Pavlak, Hilde Schmitt, Damian Winters

Union, Circle and Fox Lakes - Water Quality in Union, Circle and Fox Lakes: Rice County, Minnesota" by Rebecca

Farley, Annaka Larson, Sead Puskar, Sarala Puthuval

Water Quality Study - "Water Quality of Heath Creek" by Robyn Hendrix, Kelly Lewis, Brody Sandel, Leah Sipher-Mann


*****All documents are in Word doc format

The pictures on the previous page are identified as follows (left to right):Wolf Creek group, Union and Circle lakes group, and Rice Creek group.

The following pictures are (from left to right): the Prarie Creek, the Wolf Creek Group, the Wolf Creek, the Heath Creek Group, the Cannon River, the Cannon River, the Kelly Duddley Lake, the Kelly Duddley Lake Group, a member of the Cannon River Group.