program control implicit none include '' real paramval(nparam),psparamval(npsparam) real lnL C In nparam=2, npsparam=2 C paramval(nparam) is an array containing values for b and d C psparamva(nparam is an array containing values for tilt and amplitude.l C lnL is the log of the likehood of a given set of parameters integer count, accept, ns, l, advnst C count is temp variable that is 0 if value is not accepted, 1 if it is. C accept keeps a running tally of number of accepted points. C ns is total number of runs to do. C l is dummy variable in loop from 1 to ns C advnst is the value to advance the nest for our random number generator. double precision dlog, u, ub, ud, test, divide, nsd double precision epsb, epsd, b0, d0, prev, cur, ratio double precision epstilt, epsamp, amp, tilt, ut, ua REAL dumb, RANF C RANF is random number generator (between 0 and 1) from ranlib.f package at C C dumb is a dummy value used to advance the seed in the random number generator data ns/300000/ open(2, file='results') C Eps values epsb=0.0005 epsd=0.005 epstilt=.01 epsamp=0.25 C Initial param values - psparamval(1) = amp psparamval(2) = tilt C psparamval(1) = 95.3 C psparamval(2) = 1.1 amp=95.3 tilt=1.1 psparamval(1)=amp psparamval(2)=tilt C Initial psparam values C paramval(1)=0.0159 C paramval(2)=0.16 b0=0.0159 d0=0.16 paramval(1)=b0 paramval(2)=d0 ns = 200000 C Advance the random number seed dumb = RANF(332.32) dumb = advnst(9) C Call Lloyd Knox's cmb fast program which takes parameter values as inputs and outputs the log C of the likelyhood of having those parameter values. call dgetlnlike(paramval,psparamval,lnL) prev = lnL accept=0 do 10 l=1,ns C Create new b param value and check that it is within the range u=RANF() 20 ub=RANF() paramval(1)=b0+epsb*(2*ub-1) if ((paramval(1).lt.0.015d0).OR.(paramval(1).gt.0.025d0)) then C print*, "B Out of Bounds" GO TO 20 else continue endif C Create new d param value and check range 30 ud=RANF() paramval(2)=d0+epsd*(2*ud-1) if ((paramval(2).lt.0.1d0).OR.(paramval(2).gt.0.2d0)) then C print*, "d out of range" GO TO 30 else continue endif C Create new amp and check range 40 ua=RANF() psparamval(1)=amp+epsamp*(2*ua-1) if ((psparamval(1).lt.0.0d0).OR.(psparamval(1).gt.200d0)) then C print*, "amp out of range" GO TO 40 else continue endif C Create new tilt and check range 50 ut=RANF() psparamval(2)=tilt+epstilt*(2*ut-1) if ((psparamval(2).lt.0.0d0).OR.(psparamval(2).gt.2.0d0)) then C print*, "tilt out of range" GO TO 50 else continue endif C Get new log(likelyhood) with new parameters (Lloyd Knox's cmb fast program) call dgetlnlike(paramval,psparamval,lnL) cur = lnL test=dlog(u)+prev-cur C if test is positive, then accept value; make those parameters are base parameters and C add one to the count of acceptances. if ( then prev=cur b0=paramval(1) d0=paramval(2) amp=psparamval(1) tilt=psparamval(2) count=1 else count=0 endif C Format stuff to write the line number and the parameters to our file. write(2, 900) l, b0, d0, amp, tilt 900 format(I7,1X,F8.6,1X,F8.6,1X,F10.6,1X,F8.6) C Add one to the acceptance count, if count=1 accept=accept+count 10 continue C print the ratio (percent) of acceptances and the totaly acceptance number divide = accept nsd = ns ratio=divide/nsd print*,ratio C print*,accept/ns print*,accept END