MUSC 108. Introduction to Music Technology - Fall 2013

17Lab4 Valse Triste Tempo Track

[Syllabus] [Overview]

Tempo Track

These are the tempo indications in the score.

Measure Mark Tempo Meaning
1 m1 Lento Slow
40   rall. Slowing down and often getting softer
41 C a Tempo, deciso return to original tempo, energetic, decisive
56   poco rall little slow down
57 D a tempo  
73 E JE a little faster
98   Grand Pause pause
102   rit gradual slowdown
103   Lento  
106 end   Grand Pause  
107 G a tempo  
115 H JE same as E
130 I poco risoluto energetic
162 K piu risolute e mosso more energetic, quicker
170 L Stretto accelerate
194 begin N Grand Pause  
195   Lento assai Very slowly

Open the Lists view and click the Tempo tab. Click the Create button and enter each of these the tempo changes for major sections of the score.

Measure Mark Tempo Logic Lists Area Meaning
1 m1 Lento



40   rall.


Slowing down and often getting softer
41 C a Tempo, deciso


return to original tempo, energetic, decisive
56   poco rall 110-50* little slow down
57 D a tempo 115  
73 E JE


a little faster
98   Grand Pause 110-11* pause
102   rit 120-20 gradual slowdown
103   Lento 90  
106 end   Grand Pause 20 (beat3)  
107 G a tempo 90  
115 H JE 120 same as E
130 I poco risoluto 145 energetic
162 K piu risolute e mosso 160 more energetic, quicker
170 L Stretto 160-240* accelerate
194 begin N Grand Pause 52  
195   Lento assai 80 Very slowly

You'll need to create and enter them one at a time.

Tempo List

Expand Global Tracks in the Track list.

Expand Tempo. Your tempo changes show up in the Tempo lane in Global Tracks in the Tracks List.

Put in Alt 1.

Global Tracks with Tempo and Markers


Alternative Tempo Tracks

Logic gives you 9 tempo tracks to experiment with. We'll use alternative Tempo track 5 as a scratch pad to experiment with the tempo tools. That way you won't mess up Tempo track 1.

Tempo alternative track 5

Arrange Window Tools

There are two tool menus at the top right of the Arrange Window.

In this picture the left tool is set to the pointer, the right tool is set to the eraser.

Tool popup menus

Mouse clicks and tools

The left tool is assigned to a left mouse click. The right tool is assigned to a left mouse click when the Apple key is down. The quickest way to change tools is to press the Escape (Esc) key and type a number. Type "Esc-2" for the Pencil, "Esc-3" for the Eraser, "Esc-1" for the Pointer, etc.

Right click popup tool menu

Tempo Nodes

Type "Esc 2" to select the Pencil tool.

Click to create four nodes.

Four nodes

If they're not all at 120, you can move them back to 120 by following the next step.

Type Esc 1 to select the Pointer tool.

Grab the line segment between nodes 2-3 and move it up and down.

Node move line

Grab node 3. The cursor will change. Drag the tempo up or down.

Left tempo node change

Position the mouse over the left vertical line. The cursor changes. Drag the line right or left to change the tempo start point.

Tempo left change point

Try it again with the right vertical line.

Back to work

Grab node 4 and drag it left

Node curve

Move it up

Node diagonal

Type Apple-Z (Undo) until you are back to

Node move line

Hold the Apple key down (or type Esc 3) and erase all but the first node, from right to left.

Back to Valse Triste

Select Tempo Alternative 1.

Make the Tempo track taller by dragging the splitter bar between Tempo and Flute.

Tempo track height

Open the Tempo Panel in Lists Area

Select and copy the Tempo messages.

Select tempo messages

Choose Alternative 2.

Lists Area Tempo Alternatives

Keep Alternative 1 as a backup and work on the cloned copy in Alternative 2.

Rall. in Measure 40-41

Select Position 40 1 1 1 and choose Tempo Operations from the Options menu.

Lists Tempo Operations menu

Make these settings in the Tempo Operations dialog and click Apply.

Tempo Operations Dialog

The results can be seen in the Tempo lane.

Tempo lane zoom

Rall. in Measure 56-57

Tempo m. 56-57 Tempo m. 56-57

Grand Pause in Measure 98

Tempo m. 98 Tempo m. 98

Rit. in Measure 102

Lists Tempo m. 102 Tempo m. 102  

Grab the Tempo Node as shown and drag left to turn it into a curve. Then move the vertical tempo line at m. 103 a little to the left.

Tempo m. 102

Stretto in Measures 170-194

Lists Tempo 170-194 Tempo m. 170

Save And Play

Adjust to your liking.

[Syllabus] [Overview]